BAC A BANK sets out ambitious business targets

BAC A BANK sets out ambitious business targets

BAC A BANK has mapped out new business targets for the 2024-2029 period.
SABECO outlines growth plans for 2024

SABECO outlines growth plans for 2024

Saigon Beer – Alcohol – Beverage Corporation has outlined its plans at its AGM.
VIB steady on the journey to become leading retail bank

VIB steady on the journey to become leading retail bank

On March 16, VIB approved the plan to distribute bonus shares at 35 per cent to existing shareholders, increase its charter capital to more than $913 million, and have a profit target of $456.5 million for 2022.
VIB plans paying 35 per cent in dividends in 2022

VIB plans paying 35 per cent in dividends in 2022

The Vietnam International Bank (VIB) has just published a document in which the bank sets out its strategic development orientations for the next five years and proposes a dividend payment plan, this year's business plan, and some other key issues.
EuroCham appoints Alain Cany as new chairman

EuroCham appoints Alain Cany as new chairman

Alain Cany has been elected as the new chairman of the European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (EuroCham).
Four banks to organise AGM this week

Four banks to organise AGM this week

The LienVietPostBank, SCB, MB and VIB are due to organise the annual general meeting (AGM) of shareholders this week.
Vietnam-based enterprises turn to digital AGM?

Vietnam-based enterprises turn to digital AGM?

Vietnam-based enterprises have been switching to a new digitised AGM management method to save time and money for participants.
Deposit security to seize top spot on upcoming bank AGM agendas

Deposit security to seize top spot on upcoming bank AGM agendas

After $13.17 million up and vanished from a savings account at Eximbank, deposit security will undoubtedly be on the top talking point at banks' upcoming AGMs.