us and russia inch forward in geneva talks

US and Russia inch forward in Geneva talks

US President Joe Biden and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin emerged from their summit on Wednesday with the Russian leader calling the talks “constructive” and Biden agreeing they were “positive.” But separate news conferences made clear that the two sides remain at odds over cyberattacks, Ukraine, and several other issues.
governments and firms under pressure on co2 as cop nears

Governments and firms under pressure on CO2 as COP nears

As a crucial climate summit in the United Kingdom approaches at the end of the year, both nations and corporations are being urged yet again of the importance of contributing towards carbon emissions cuts in order to save the planet from overheating later in the century.
chinese growth offering regional food for thought

Chinese growth offering regional food for thought

This month China unveiled an impressive growth figure of 18.3 per cent for the first quarter of 2021, as it seeks to be one of the first nations to truly bounce back from the coronavirus pandemic that originated there. What does this mean going forward for Vietnam’s economic ambitions and other regional relationships?
vingroup lays it all on the table in name of progress

Vingroup lays it all on the table in name of progress

Reports that Vingroup is considering an initial public offering in the United States for car unit VinFast are just the latest in a dizzying number of actions being looked at or carried out by Vietnam’s largest conglomerate. Is the sky truly the limit for the group and its founder Pham Nhat Vuong?
semiconductor crisis forces top level action

Semiconductor crisis forces top-level action

The global shortage of semiconductors is not letting up, with governments and multinationals scrambling to resolve the situation sooner rather than later.
blame game begins as suez blockage dents trade routes

Blame game begins as Suez blockage dents trade routes

More than the length of four football fields, it took an almighty international effort to free the Ever Given cargo ship from the Suez Canal. Now discussion turns to how it happened, how quickly the fallout can be managed, and what it means for trade moving forward for regions including Southeast Asia.
sanctions and squabbles shift global trade balance

Sanctions and squabbles shift global trade balance

The fabric of global trade is being tugged at once again with the European Union and China entering a new spat over sanctions, while recent dialogues between the latter and the United States were frosty to say the least. How will the latest goings-on affect possible trade in regions like Southeast Asia?
foreign nationals hoping for smooth vaccination process

Foreign nationals hoping for smooth vaccination process

With global vaccination programmes for the coronavirus still in their infancy, foreign nationals in Vietnam and other countries are exploring their options when it comes to the chances of receiving a vaccine sometimes this year.
shift in us china relations depend on bidens priorities

Shift in US-China relations depend on Biden’s priorities

US President Joe Biden’s team will use “all available tools” to tackle what it sees as China’s unfair trade practices, according to a new report on the trade agenda of the United States. But with domestic pandemic recovery the top priority for the new president, and apparent paranoia surrounding the tech prowess of the major powers, it remains to be seen if and when further goodwill will truly emerge between the two.
could vietnam be on the cards for tesla

Could Vietnam be on the cards for Tesla?

The man working to revolutionise transport both on Earth and beyond may have one eye on Vietnam after hinting at a possible new Tesla factory in Asia.
reality check for us in trade tug of war

Reality check for US in trade tug of war

News of a Taiwanese-based semiconductor chip facility set to be built in Arizona has placed focus on US attempts to entice major American corporations to return home or persuade foreign groups to set up shop anew. But it remains to be seen if the tangled complexities of cross-border trade pacts, the coronavirus pandemic, and the US-China trade dispute will actually lead to companies ditching Asian nations.
bafflement as f1 dithers over grand prix calendar

Bafflement as F1 dithers over Grand Prix calendar

Confusion reigned last week over the postponement of the Vietnam Grand Prix as authorities and Formula 1 leaders delayed their decision until Friday night, leaving both F1 teams and fans in limbo.
property rescue package set to unlock the market

Property rescue package set to unlock the market

The $1.4 billion property credit package is expected to hit the spot.
bargains in hanois property market

Bargains in Hanoi’s Property Market

Experts set eyes on Hanoi’s villa and housing market in the first quarter of 2012.

Project delays lead to an SOS

Haiphong People’s Committee has been asked to consider taking back the Duy Hung hi-end hotel and trade services complex project as developer Duy Hung Company Limited has delayed its implementation.