Foreign worker cap relief

Domestic and foreign employers are set to celebrate the abandonment of the controversial 3 per cent foreign employment ceiling in line with Vietnam’s open investment climate and global integration.
districts are set to ooze class

Districts are set to ooze class

Considered a bucket for Hanoi’s waste water, the Yen So lake area at Thinh Liet and Hoang Mai districts is to be transformed into one of the capital’s fanciest areas.

Sideways glances for $30bn project

Vietnamese officials have said it is too early to comment on the feasibility of what could be the country’s biggest-ever FDI project – a $30 billion steel mill proposed for Thanh Hoa province.
molisa set to lift cap on expat employees

Molisa set to lift cap on expat employees

Foreign investor pressure could lift the 3 per cent cap on expatriates employed at an enterprise in Vietnam.Le Bach Hong, Deputy Minister of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs (Molisa), said the ministry was seeking ways to change Decree 93/2005/ND-CP,

Eagle eyes to follow key projects

A watchdog council has been established to monitor the implementation of the joint Vietnam-Japan Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park, north-south expressway and express railway infrastructure projects.

Giant unviels mega projects

One of China’s 10 leading agricultural companies, New Hope Group, is seeking ways to turn its four large-scale projects with combined investment capital of roughly $5 billion into reality in Vietnam in the near future.
donors confidence

Donors’ confidence

A record $4.45 billion in international donors’ pledges for 2007 is a mark of increased confidence in Vietnam’s use of overseas aid and support to the nation’s five-year socio-economic development plan to 2010.

J-Power plugs into Phu Yen for electric plant

Poverty-stricken Phu Yen has been chosen as the best site for the Japanese Electric Power Development, or J Power’s proposed 1,200-megawatt thermal power plant, the largest of its kind in Vietnam’s central part.
mpi lynchpin for growth

MPI lynchpin for growth

An improved investment climate, revised sectoral planning schemes and increased investment monitoring and inspection will be the major tasks required of the planning and investment sector to achieving the nation’s 8.5 per cent GDP growth in 2007.

Electricity venture to power up northern investment

The north’s first electricity joint venture, Vietnam-China Power Investment Co Ltd, last week received an investment certificate in a governmental move to rally foreign private investors to improve the poor infrastructure network across the nation.

State spending set to inflate budget deficit

Vietnam’s state budget deficit will grow next year with increased state spending on key development projects, but revenues from crude oil will drop, as planned, to maintain sustainable use of the nation’s natural resources.
dung raises the bar on growth targets

Dung raises the bar on growth targets

The Vietnamese government has set out a highly ambitious socio-economic development scenario for 2007 based on forecasts of a growing global economy, and on Vietnam’s accession to the WTO, in a move to achieve the nation’s five-year plan until 2010.

MPI decentralises investment to speed the way to $4bn target

Vietnam’s central investment authority is anticipating a new government decree which will greatly boost decentralisation concerning foreign investment to pave the way for increasing overseas inflows in the final quarter of the year.

Foreign investors scramble to get foothold in trade sector

As the prospect of WTO membership draws nearer, many foreign investors are champing at the bit to set up wholly-owned firms in Vietnam’s trading and distribution sector

$1bn Posco plan headlines Korean investment surge

Posco, the world’s fourth largest steel producer, is proceeding with construction plans for a giant steelworks in the south of Vietnam.