intl conference discusses green finance for sustainable development

Int’l conference discusses green finance for sustainable development

An international conference was held in Hanoi on November 25 to seek the enhancement of cooperation with global investment institutions to mobilise green finance for State-owned enterprise (SoE) restructuring and sustainable development.
phuc khang corporation ceo proposes update to green building rules

Phuc Khang Corporation CEO proposes update to green building rules

It is necessary to strengthen the development of green finance and credit, and enhance legal documents on green building standards, according to Luu Thi Thanh Mau, CEO of Phuc Khang Corporation.
boosting green finance for a low carbon economy in vietnam

Boosting green finance for a low-carbon economy in Vietnam

As Vietnam aims for a low-carbon growth model and carbon neutrality by 2050, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), in partnership with the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), is scaling up its support to the government to promote sustainable finance and spur private sector investment.
the significant growth of green bonds

The significant growth of green bonds

The development of the green financial market is a crucial topic of focus both globally and domestically. Do Minh Chau, green finance analyst at FiinRatings, looks at the prospects of sustainable bonds and the current interest in Vietnam’s green finance market.
green finance for a sustainable future

Green finance for a sustainable future

Sustainability is no longer just desirable, there is mounting pressure for businesses and individuals to play their part in addressing the climate crisis.
citi vietnam discusses sustainable investment policies at us vietnam business summit

Citi Vietnam discusses sustainable investment policies at US-Vietnam Business Summit

At the recent fifth US-Vietnam Business Summit in Hanoi, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh welcomed the support from US businesses through institutions working on climate change, providing green finance and clean technology.
standard chartered predicts strong recovery of vietnams economy

Standard Chartered predicts strong recovery of Vietnam's economy

Vietnam's economy is said to recover strongly from the end of the first quarter. GDP growth is expected to be 6.7 per cent in the year, and 7 per cent in 2023, according to Standard Chartered Bank.
how ready are asias economies for a green and digital future

How ready are Asia's economies for a green and digital future?

Asian economies could get stuck in the middle-income trap and held back from sustainable and equitable growth, unless policy action is taken to galvanise green finance, speed up digitalisation, and deliver more comprehensive regional policy coordination, according to the Asia House. However, Vietnam supposedly still has room for improvement in terms of green finance and digital transformation.
green finance critical for sustainable recovery from covid 19 pandemic for asean economies

Green finance critical for sustainable recovery from COVID-19 pandemic for ASEAN economies

The COVID-19 pandemic has battered human, social, and economic capital across the globe, and there is a pressing need to rebuild economies the world over.
cop26 eu supports green economic recovery in asean

COP26: EU supports green economic recovery in ASEAN

Director-General for International Partnerships at the European Commission Koen Doens has highlighted the crucial role of programmes such as the ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility (ACGF) in supporting green recovery in Southeast Asia.
hsbc vietnam backs major rooftop solar energy project for vietnam

HSBC Vietnam backs major rooftop solar energy project for Vietnam

HSBC Vietnam will provide two wholly-owned subsidiaries of REE Corporation with a term loan facility and trade finance facilities for their rooftop solar energy project.
hsbc vietnam rolls out first green financing package for duy tan plastics recycling

HSBC Vietnam rolls out first green financing package for Duy Tan Plastics Recycling

Today, HSBC Bank (Vietnam) Ltd. and Duy Tan Plastics Corporation signed a green credit agreement to finance Duy Tan Plastics Recycling Factory. The green loan, which is under HSBC’s commitment to provide $100 billion of sustainable financing and investment by 2025, is the first that HSBC arranges for a Vietnamese company.
green finance for renewable energy

Green finance for renewable energy

Renewable energy has great potential to meet growing demand if it has appropriate policies and financial support.
hdbank first vietnamese bank to receive green deal award from adb

HDBank – First Vietnamese bank to receive Green Deal Award from ADB

In Singapore, HDBank is the only bank amongst the financial institutions participating in the 2019 Trade Finance Program that has been honoured with the Green Deal Award from ADB, becoming Vietnam's first in this category.
germany backs green finance

Germany backs green finance

German expertise is helping Vietnam embrace green finance and banking.