banks spur green credit for sustainable development

Banks spur green credit for sustainable development

Economic development has improved living standards – at times at the expense of the environment. As green development is becoming an imperative, financial institutions – particularly banks – are earning high regard with their green credit approach.
banks keen on green projects

Banks keen on green projects

Green credit is a trend in the global banking and finance industry and more Vietnamese banks are following suit.
lenders look for greener finance

Lenders look for greener finance

Green credit is off to a good start in Vietnam, as more banks become willing to fund sustainable projects in an effort to diversify their incomes.
vietnam makes significant progress in sustainable finance reforms

Vietnam makes significant progress in sustainable finance reforms

Emerging markets have become a major force in driving development and fighting climate change as 34 countries, including Vietnam, have initiated banking reforms to expand sustainable lending, according to the first comprehensive Global Progress Report of Sustainable Banking Network (SBN), an IFC-supported organisation of banking regulators and associations.