twin threats poised to ratchet up inflation

Twin threats poised to ratchet up inflation

Recent aggressive dong depreciation and proposals for electricity price hikes could potentially further ignite inflation.
good news for fdi fortunes

Good news for FDI fortunes

Foreign direct investment disbursement is expected to rise sharply this year as many foreign investors push big projects in Vietnam.
international airport to boost quang ninh

International airport to boost Quang Ninh

Korea’s Joinus Company Ltd is closer to getting its Quang Ninh province international airport project airborne.
solid month sets the economic platform foundation for the year

Solid month sets the economic platform foundation for the year.

The economy has strong momentum to reach its growth targets this year with all economic indicators strongly expanding in 2011’s first month.
doosan vina involved in the worlds largest ever desalination order

Doosan Vina involved in the world’s largest ever desalination order

Doosan Vina, a subsidiary of Korean Doosan Group, today announced it would manufacture desalination evaporators for the world’s largest ever desalination order, the second desalination project it has involved in since officially operating in 2009.
masan group raises 100 million from mount kellett

Masan Group raises $100 million from Mount Kellett

Masan Group Corporation (MSN), one of Vietnam’s largest private sector business groups, announced on January 24 the successful investment from funds advised by Mount Kellett Capital Management LP, a multi-billion dollar US-based private equity group, into Masan Resources.
fdi on the upswing for 2011

FDI on the upswing for 2011

Net foreign direct investment in Vietnam surged five per cent year-on-year in the first month of this year, raising hopes for a high disbursement in the Year of the Cat.
vietnams aviation industry to take flight

Vietnam’s aviation industry to take flight

Vietnam is set to be one of the world’s fastest growing aviation markets over the next three years, key industry players have predicted.
ips going to town

IPs going to town

As demand for accommodation and services surrounding industrial parks rises, developers are now focusing on establishing adjoining townships and industrial park complexes.
businesses low on confidence

Businesses low on confidence

Rising inflation and difficulty in accessing credit have led to a drop in confidence among Vietnam’s businesses, raising concern over economic growth this year.
thais tie down giant refinery plans

Thais tie down giant refinery plans

“The project site agreement is considered as an approval in principle for the two energy projects, that will allow the investors to conduct other steps”
credit hurdles to trip up foreign backed projects

Credit hurdles to trip up foreign-backed projects

Foreign manufacturers are seeing new credit barriers to develop investment projects in Vietnam, which could reduce net capital inflows this year.
vietnams largest registered fdi project to be axed

Vietnam’s largest registered FDI project to be axed

Ninh Thuan People’s Committee is preparing to axe Vietnam’s largest registered foreign direct investment project in Vietnam, giving the site to industrial park investors.
net fdi set to remain upbeat in new year

Net FDI set to remain upbeat in new year.

Foreign direct investment capital will continue strongly flowing into Vietnam in 2011 despite current macroeconomic challenges.
4bn tourism project for quang nam

$4bn tourism project for Quang Nam

A mammoth $4 billion project is to be licenced in a popular tourism region despite many other similar developments proving to hold empty promises.