Reference exchange rate continues to go down at week’s beginning

March 30, 2020 | 15:35
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The State Bank of Vietnam set the daily reference exchange rate at 23,230 VND per USD on March 30, down 5 VND from the last working day of previous week (March 27).
reference exchange rate continues to go down at weeks beginning
Illustrative image (Source: VNA)

With the current trading band of +/-3 percent, the ceiling rate applied to commercial banks during the day is 23,926 VND/USD and the floor rate 22,534 VND/USD.

The opening hour rates at most commercial banks stayed stable.

At 8:25 am, Vietcombank listed the buying rate at 23,510 VND/USD, and the selling rate at 23,700 VND/USD, both unchanged from March 27.

BIDV also kept both rates unchanged at 23,540 VND/USD (buying) and 23,700 VND/USD (selling).

Meanwhile, Techcombank cut 10 VND from both rates, listing the buying rate at 23,545 VND/USD, and the selling rate at 23,705 VND/USD.

During the week from March 20 to 27, the daily reference exchange rate rose on Monday and Tuesday and went down on the three remaining days. It ended the week down 17 VND.

The rates listed at commercial banks rose strongly during the week, ending higher than those at the week’s beginning by between 130-190 VND per USD.

Source: VNA

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