Policy dialogue spotlights green growth

August 25, 2011 | 08:13
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“Green growth - Opportunities, challenges and options for Vietnam ” were the main topic of a policy dialogue, which was held in Hanoi on August 24.
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The dialogue provided an overview of green growth and global development trends; global green cooperation trends and opportunities for Vietnam ; Germany ’s experience in building and implementing green growth strategy; and the UN Environment Programme’s method of approach to the green economy.

Dr. Vo Tri Thanh, Deputy Director of the Central Institute for Economic Management, pointed out a number of shortcomings regarding Vietnam ’s sustainable development, such as the over-exploitation of natural resources for economic growth, out-of-date technology, environmental pollution and the community’s consumption acts and behaviour.

To build a green economy, Director of the Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment Dr. Nguyen Van Tai said the economy should be restructured in a more environmentally-friendly direction by developing green economic sectors, environmental services and clean energy.

Vietnam needs to remove barriers and create a favourable legal foundation to promote clean production, apply clean technologies, save energy and treat waste, Tai added.

He suggested that Vietnam should pour more investment in developing a number of spearhead economic sectors such as eco-tourism, regenerating natural forests and mangrove forests, and developing renewable energies and environmental services.

The dialogue was co-organised by the Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE) under the Vietnamese Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Hanns-Seidel Foundation of Germany.


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