Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong a dear friend of Thailand: Ambassador

July 24, 2024 | 20:32
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Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong was always a very dear friend of Thailand, stated Thai Ambassador to Vietnam Urawadee Sriphiromya, clarifying that under his leadership, the Thailand-Vietnam relationship has flourished in all aspects.
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong a dear friend of Thailand: Ambassador
Ambassador of Thailand to Vietnam Urawadee Sriphiromya (Photo: Thai Embassy in Vietnam)

Hanoi – Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong was always a very dear friend of Thailand, stated Thai Ambassador to Vietnam Urawadee Sriphiromya, clarifying that under his leadership, the Thailand-Vietnam relationship has flourished in all aspects.

In an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency, the diplomat noted that the most important milestone in the ties is the upgrade of bilateral relations to a strategic partnership during the leader’s historical official visit to Thailand in 2013.

With solid groundwork laid during General Secretary Trong’s tenure, both countries are now working towards the elevation of their relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership in the near future, with a view to contributing to the prosperity of both countries, peoples, and beyond, she underscored.

The ambassador praised Party General Secretary Trong’s contributions to the national development of Vietnam, holding that Vietnam’s rapid development and successful economic growth is attributed to the strategic vision laid out by the late leader.

In his tenure, Vietnam is regarded as one of the most dynamic economies in the region, she noted, adding that the country has managed to be highly attractive to foreign direct investment and to transform herself to a new global manufacturing hub for perse range of products, from the agriculture sector to high technology cluster, particularly semiconductor industry.

“Party General Secretary Trong played an important role in translating the ideology and theory into practice for the prosperity of the country and the benefit of the Vietnamese people amidst the challenging environment,” said the ambassador.

She asserted that Trong was committed to upholding ethics and integrity of the Party. The anti-corruption campaign led by Party General Secretary Trong has helped promote transparency, good governance, and sustainable development for the country.

The diplomat went on to say that Vietnam’s bamboo diplomacy, coined by Party General Secretary Trong, is highly praised in the international stage. It is intertwined with Vietnam’s foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, persification and multilateralisation. It enhances Vietnam’s geopolitics value and puts Vietnam in a bright spot in international era despite a fast-changing global geopolitical landscape, she said.

It is a testament of the policy that, from 2023 to 2024, Vietnam has successfully welcomed leaders of China, the US, and Russia. With the bamboo diplomacy approach, Vietnam potentially balances practical relations with major powers to ensure that its national interests are promoted and protected. To date, Vietnam has cordial diplomatic relations with 193 countries and established comprehensive strategic partnerships with seven countries, namely China, Russia, Japan, India, the Republic of Korea, the US, and Australia.

Ambassador Urawadee Sriphiromya described General Secretary Trong as a visionary and eminent leader who devoted his life wholeheartedly for his country and people. He was an exemplary leader who lived a simple life and gained great respect and love from all walks of life.

In international arena, with profound knowledge in politics and philosophy, he brought Vietnam into limelight and supported the region to become stronger and together more prosperity, she stressed.

The passing of Party General Secretary Trong is a great loss to the country and the people.

She took the opportunity to extend heartfelt condolences and profound sympathies to Vietnamese people. "His legacy and tireless devotion will be highly upheld and always be remembered," stated the Thai ambassador.

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