Laos urges consumers to conserve electricity

May 13, 2024 | 17:14
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The prolonged heat and drought, and low rainfall have caused reservoirs and dams in Laos to run dry, and hydropower plants unable to operate or reduce their generation capacity.
Laos urges consumers to conserve electricity
Laos urges consumers to conserve electricity, Illustrative image. (Source:

Vientiane – The prolonged heat and drought, and low rainfall have caused reservoirs and dams in Laos to run dry, and hydropower plants unable to operate or reduce their generation capacity.

Given this, the Lao State-run Electricite du Laos (EDL) has called on the public to take actions to improve energy efficiency.

The company said hydropower accounted for about 95% of the total electricity generation output in the country last year, noting the drought conditions have lowered water levels in hydroelectric reservoirs, resulting in a 10% decrease in electricity output or 1,090 GWh.

Last month, the intense hot weather led to a surge in electricity consumption to 2,015 MW while domestic production capacity reached only 1,660 MW.

The company said residents, factories, and industrial parks should use electricity economically by turning off unnecessary equipment, replacing old devices and using those that meet technical standards.

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