Hotels head for Binh Dinh

July 22, 2003 | 18:35
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Developers are setting up new hotel properties in Binh Dinh, a southern province which does not usually cause much of a blip on the regional tourist map. 

The country’s largest tour operator Saigontourist has teamed up with other local firms to develop a four-star hotel in Quy Nhon town’s Nguyen Hue street.
When completed late next year, the $4-million hotel is to feature 116 rooms, swimming pool, meeting rooms, restaurants and other associated services.
It is one of the largest hotel projects to be built in the province, home to a Cham tower site and beautiful beaches.
Tam said wood-processing company Hoang Anh Gia Lai, which has had Thai player “Zico” Kiatisak play for its football team, was also developing a large resort in the Ghenh Giang ocean lagoon.
Ghenh Giang has one of the most beautiful beaches in the country called Hoang Hau or Queen with the egg-shaped stones common to the area.
In 1945, King Bao Dai built a three-storey villa in the shape of a ship for his queen to bathe in at the beach.
Another luxury resort has been opened in Quy Nhon’s Bai Dai beach recently. The Life Beach Resort, an Austrian-backed property, has restaurants and 63 rooms.

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