Golf projects getting caught in the rough

August 25, 2008 | 17:57
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Environmental pollution and ineffective land use concerns have caused provinces to reconsider several golf course projects, leaving investors out in the cold.

Too many golf course projects are failing to come up to par
The people’s committee of southern Long An province recently decided to permit only one golf course project to be developed. “Golf courses are not welcome in the province. We’ve received too much negative feedback from locals, economists and environmental activists, so we’ve decided to limit our permits to only one course,” said Dang Van Tuyen, vice head of Long An’s Investment Promotion Centre.

It is the second time that Long An has cut the number of golf courses to be built in the province. Previously, it had decided to grant permission to three golf courses after principally accepting 13 projects. The three golf courses, which have gained investment certificates, belong to the CSQ Joint Stock Company, Hyoil Investment Company and Viet Han Joint Stock Company.

Investors have been attracted to the province because of its proximity to Ho Chi Minh City. Tuyen said that the provincial committee had not decided on which investors would be allowed to develop golf course in the province. “We need time to study which project will be the most effective for locals.” The remaining investors will be asked to focus on developing residential and trade centres, or to shift towards other investment targets.

The plans to build golf course in the province have received economist and environmental activist protests who claimed that the projects would occupy large areas of cultivated land and could pollute the local environment.
According to a report by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, there were 139 golf courses planned nationwide.

Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee has also asked relevant departments to review the effectiveness of golf course projects in the city. Currently, six courses have been granted investment certificates in the city.
The city has announced it will temporarily stop granting investment certificates for golf course investors before the environment impact and business reports of golf projects are finalized.

“The effectiveness of golf courses needs to be seen through existing projects. We will, therefore, not approve any more projects,” said an official from Ho Chi Minh City’s Planning and Investment Department. At present, only one course has become operational, in District 9. The Department of Planning and Investment would be in charge of supervising construction and appraising golf projects’ environmental impacts.

By Ngoc Linh

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