Vehicle registration time cut to a few minutes in Hanoi

Vehicle registration time cut to a few minutes in Hanoi

Hanoi Traffic Police has deployed additional personnel to streamline the vehicle registration process to meet the rising demand.
Chinese tourists returning to Vietnam

Chinese tourists returning to Vietnam

The number of Chinese tourists visiting Vietnam is growing again, showing a potentially upbeat future for the industry.
Royal collection of Vietnamese paintings set for auction

Royal collection of Vietnamese paintings set for auction

Sotheby’s Paris is offering a private collection of rare and extraordinary works of Vietnamese art.
More efforts needed to tap cruise ship potential

More efforts needed to tap cruise ship potential

Vietnam was home to a thriving cruise ship tourist market in the first quarter this year.
Chronic shortage in tourism personnel

Chronic shortage in tourism personnel

Increasing the number of quality workers available for Vietnam's tourism industry is paramount if the next decade's growth targets are to be met.
Beginning the new year with vibrant tourism

Beginning the new year with vibrant tourism

Famous tourism sites witnessed a heated atmosphere during the Lunar New Year period, heralding buoyant prospects for Vietnam’s hospitality industry.
Hanoi's tourism leaning towards meetings industry boost

Hanoi's tourism leaning towards meetings industry boost

Hanoi's tourism sector to promote events industry tours.
Facilitating international travel to Vietnam

Facilitating international travel to Vietnam

Insiders have suggested ways to remove the bottlenecks for international travel to Vietnam, helping to take full advantage of the post-pandemic travel market.
Measures proposed to sustainably attract international visitors

Measures proposed to sustainably attract international visitors

Despite the relaxation of travel restrictions, more work is needed to help the nation attract international tourists post-pandemic.
Festival bringing exposure to Hanoi’s distinct food and crafts

Festival bringing exposure to Hanoi’s distinct food and crafts

In response to Vietnam’s hosting of SEA Games 31, Hanoi is putting on the Cuisine and Craft Village Tourism Festival 2022.
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