Leveraging multiple recruitment channels

Leveraging multiple recruitment channels

In today’s corporate environment, the discerning manager who wants to streamline the recruitment process for his team is spoilt for choice. You have online job boards, job fairs, college recruitment drives, employee referrals, and of course, executive search firms.
Innovative incentives to boost employee morale

Innovative incentives to boost employee morale

Our consultants interact with a variety of clients and candidates on a regular basis and have observed an increasing trend of considering non-monetary incentives as an important arbiter in career choices. Let us explore the top two global best practices
Help your employees achieve a better work-life balance

Help your employees achieve a better work-life balance

In our experience, the most successful and preferred employers are those organisations that work on helping employees achieve a good work-life balance. This is integral to increasing their work satisfaction and motivation, making them more engaged and responsive to business and customers’ needs.  By analysing their approach to employee management, we at Navigos Search can identify the following four common practices.
5 Misconceptions about managing introverted employees

5 Misconceptions about managing introverted employees

The tendency toward looking inward and comparing options carefully is a great asset in business, which introverts are better suited to do. Not knowing how your introvert workers are doing could cost you a lot. Below are five misconceptions about managing introverts that should be dispelled.
Tips to improve online candidate sourcing

Tips to improve online candidate sourcing

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe”. This timeless saying by Abraham Lincoln could not be more relevant to candidate searches. To plunge headlong into a candidate hunt without adequate front-end research and a thorough analysis of search strategy will only result in sub-par profiles and irrelevant information.
A checklist for an effective job ad

A checklist for an effective job ad

There have been times when my colleagues and I at Navigos Search  have posted a job online, and have been completely puzzled at the lack of responses. Since we have access to a comprehensive database, we know that there are candidates out there that fit the profile. So, that brings us to the question - why the lack of response? At moments like these, we are prompted to revisit our job ad and check for the following.
Walking with millennials: 4 must read management tips

Walking with millennials: 4 must read management tips

Millions of millennials born in the early 1990s are joining the labour market. It will be a big loss if you ignore these young professionals and the diverse ideas and tech skills they bring to the table. See below 4 best practices to keep in mind if you want to make use of this prevalent labour force.
Tips that help you hire with minor recruitment experience

Tips that help you hire with minor recruitment experience

Are you faced with recruiting people for your team with very little recruitment experience? It may be an enormous challenge for you to hire the right people at this stage. Fortunately, you can still be successful by following the tips below.
Where do you stand on the leadership spectrum?

Where do you stand on the leadership spectrum?

Although they may attain high-level positions in their careers, some people cannot become good leaders. Traits such as aggressiveness and selfishness might allow them to be promoted but would certainly prevent them from developing an enthusiastic and loyal team.
Motivate your team through good rewards

Motivate your team through good rewards

With a proper reward system, you can reinforce positive self-images among your employees. Here are a few tips that you can learn and practice in order to make the best of your reward system to improve the work ethic and overall enthusiasm of your staff.
Two crucial factors in retaining talent

Two crucial factors in retaining talent

With the recovery of the economy, creating a retaining procedure for key employees or senior positions is crucial to maintain a competitive advantage in the market. Recruiting is hard, but retaining the best talent is harder. If you are struggling with this issue, pay most serious attention to these two issues to keep your key employees and attract talent.
Make your employer brand stand out

Make your employer brand stand out

When it comes to recruiting, we rarely hear about the importance of building a brand to attract applicants.
Are your employees experiencing burnout?

Are your employees experiencing burnout?

Pushing your employees past the breaking point can have many negative effects on both the workers and the company’s overall performance. Overworked staff tend to make more mistakes, be filled with rage at work for being burdened with too many expectations or coworkers who are not as dedicated as they are.
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