Lenders determined to meet financing needs of customers

Lenders determined to meet financing needs of customers

In line with the government’s economic stimulus initiatives and to ensure market liquidity, a number of major financial institutions are implementing strategies to address the financing needs of businesses and individuals.
Lenders tinker with FOL caps to enhance prospects

Lenders tinker with FOL caps to enhance prospects

A number of local institutions are attempting to broaden their worldwide reach by creating further room for international financiers.
Local lenders struggle to match major M&A

Local lenders struggle to match major M&A

The local tie-up scene among domestic lenders is paling in comparison with wealthy multinational institutions, as many partnerships have turned sour, particularly with weak bank involvement.
Local lenders prepare for pandemic shock

Local lenders prepare for pandemic shock

Public health challenges have thrown Vietnam’s banking system into gyrations, pushing lenders to become more risk averse and brace for a wave of defaults, amidst efforts to cut interest rates from the central bank to offset the economy.
Banks’ lending options set to be narrowed

Banks’ lending options set to be narrowed

Businesses could soon be forced to dig deeper to source bank loans.

Interest rate a rampaging bull as market forces ruling

The market rate went on the rampage last week after authorities allowed the banking system to use market forces to set interest rates.