Microsoft solutions boost Kem Nghia performance

November 18, 2013 | 09:30
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Kem Nghia Joint-Stock Company (or Nghia Nippers) is regarded as a typical enterprise having the clear roadmap to follow intellectual property rights as well as using the newest IT solution for increasing the company’s competitiveness.

The company is a pioneer among Vietnam’s medium and small size enterprises (SMEs) in choosing Microsoft Enterprise agreement (EA) for IT system development.

Though modest in scale, Nghia Nippers always chooses legitimate products, implements latest IT applications, particularly Microsoft solutions for production and business activities, striving for optimum efficiency in management and operation.

From the very first day, Nghia Nippers has always been attentive to IT applications for production and management.

To catch the needs for strong business expansion as well as bolster service quality and competitiveness, the company has decided to invest heavily for IT development to handle the problem.

Nghia Nippers IT Department has set specific objectives and investment priority for each year.

Thanks to detailed planning and excellent budget allocation to upgrade IT system and through using Microsoft solutions which work perfectly on the existing platform, Nghia Nippers could significantly reduce the cost of IT upgrade.

Microsoft solutions help the company greatly in boosting business performance. For example, the company decides to choose Window Server to synchronise the users’ right and centralise the management.

Nghia Nippers leaders decided to use Microsoft SQL for accounting, human resources, production for having real time reporting as well as increase report reliability.

To decrease paper processes meanwhile accelerating management capabilities, Nghia Nippers leaders decided to use Microsoft Sharepoint Server while in pursuit of better productivity of staff, they chose to deploy the new OS such as Window 7, Window 8 and Microsoft Office 2013 for the whole company.

Right in the first phase of deployment, Microsoft operating system and diverse Office applications got praises from Nghia Nippers all staff members.

Nghia Nippers can meet every customer need through using Windows Server 2012. And by switching to Windows Server 2012, Microsoft Sharepoint and Microsoft SQL, Nghia Nippers leaders have better insights and effectively respond to quickly changing customer needs.

"Windows Server 2012 supports us the high flexibility. Using Microsoft SQL Server, we can easily connect to the database system and respond faster with customer requirements through the extremely accurate real time reporting system," said Nghia Nippers’ general director Nguyen Minh Tuan.

“Nghia Nippers is highly satisfied with Windows Server’s reporting system, which helps us quickly respond to market needs and set up new service to meet rapidly-changing customer demands," Tuan noted.

The new Microsoft Office and Windows 8’s user-friendly interface and great new features help boost productivity of all Nghia Nippers employees.

More than that, Windows Server 2012 and Microsoft Sharepoint help ensure a high level of availability, reduce printing costs and paper work and scale up business efficiency.

Briefly speaking, Microsoft solutions bring multiple advantages to Nghia Nippers’ operations. Most of the executives and employees at Nghia Nippers are familiar with the Windows interface, so that they can operate Microsoft system easily.

Also, with diverse functionality and strict security features integrated into Windows Server and Windows OS, Nghia Nippers’ Microsoft enabled solutions are easy to maintain and support.

Users can quickly become familiar with the new Microsoft operating system and solutions without extra cost or wasted time.

Nghia Nippers specialises in mechanical manufacturing and trading of specialised devices such as manicure and hair tools. The company’s products are diverse, including hoof nippers with many styles of scissors and nail files.  

The company also produces nail polish brands O'Beauty and O'Colors.

Its distribution system currently consists of 130 dealers and distributors. Its products account for over 80 per cent market share in Vietnam. Export value averages about 30 per cent of the company’s total sales. Nghia Nippers’ products made inroads in diverse markets worldwide including the US, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Russia and Japan. 

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