Doosan exports desalination systems to Chile

January 10, 2015 | 09:22
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Doosan Heavy Industries Viet Nam Company (Doosan Vina) has shipped reverse osmosis (RO) desalination filter systems to Chile, following the Escondida Water Supply project agreement signed last February.
An unit of the desalination Reverse Osmosis (RO) Filter Systems is loaded on a ship at Quang Ngai's Doosan Vina Port in shipping to Chile. Doosan Heavy Industries Viet Nam Company (Doosan Vina) said it has shipped the system to Chile following the Escondida Water Supply project agreement signed last February. - VNS Photo

The Quang Ngai-based company told Bizhub on January 9 that this was the first shipment of the 1,705-tonne filter equipment to the Escondida copper mines, located in northern Chile, for supplying 220 million litres of water for 550,000 people each day.

As planned, the second round of cargo will be shipped to Chile on January 18, and the last units and facilities of the filter system will be exported from February 15 to April 30.

The company is the first producer of RO desalination filter systems in Viet Nam.


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