Dong Nai’s IZs double yearly FDI target in ten months

October 28, 2015 | 15:48
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Between January and October this year, Dong Nai’s industrial zones (IZs) have attracted $2.15 billion in foreign direct investment, exceeding twice the province’s 2015 target. 

Notably, as of October 20, the southern province’s IZs have attracted the total investment capital of $1.56 billion in 82 newly-registered projects and $592 million to expand the capital of 75 existing projects.

In the first 12 days of October alone, foreign investors registered $350 million into 11 newly-registered projects and added approximately $225 million to five existing projects.

“80 per cent of the capital is invested in the supporting industries for mechanical engineering, electronics, textile and garments, and high-technology projects. We especially prefer high-technology as well as environmentally friendly projects,” said Mai Van Nhon, deputy director of the Dong Nai Industrial Zones Management Authority.

Dong Nai is considered an ideal destination for foreign investors due to abundant human resources, favourable policies, and developed infrastructure, as well as convenient transportation with many national arterial roads.

“FDI plays a key role in the province’s socio-economic development. Thus, the province focuses on reforming administrative procedures as well as organising trading promotion activities in order to boost FDI inflows,” he added.

By By Kim Oanh

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