Businesses seek sci-tech rule changes

Businesses seek sci-tech rule changes

Businesses and scientific researchers are seeking amendments to tech transfer and financial mechanisms through Vietnam’s sci-tech law.
New changes to push sci-tech funding

New changes to push sci-tech funding

While domestic and foreign investors are expected to delve into Vietnam’s sci-tech market driven by ongoing and long-awaited legal amendments, their effectiveness is still a concern as the country is urged to learn successful global lessons.
Breakthrough policies key for Vietnamese sci-tech

Breakthrough policies key for Vietnamese sci-tech

The Ministry of Science and Technology is aiming to amend regulations towards simplifying administrative procedures and creating more favourable conditions for sci-tech businesses, while building a mechanism for public-private partnerships for venture investments and innovations. Le Xuan Dinh, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology, talked to VIR’s Hoang Giang about the key orientations in this endeavour.

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