Vietnamese authorities to crack down on tax evasion

Vietnamese authorities to crack down on tax evasion

Vietnamese authorities will crack down on tax evasion by implementing strict measures to ensure individuals and businesses fulfill their tax payment obligations.
What businesses should prepare for the tax inspection

What businesses should prepare for the tax inspection

As tax authorities are tightening their grip on tax collections, taxpayers in Vietnam need to prepare for the growing number of inspections in the upcoming years.
Switch-up aids distressed taxpayers

Switch-up aids distressed taxpayers

A string of forthcoming proposed tax measures are slated to assist individual and corporate taxpayers to weather oncoming storms.
Deadlines for tax and land use fee payments extended

Deadlines for tax and land use fee payments extended

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on April 8 approved Decree No 41/2020/ND-CP on the extension of deadlines for tax and land use fee payments to support businesses suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ramping up tax audits to boost shrinking state budget

Ramping up tax audits to boost shrinking state budget

Many firms in Vietnam, both local and domestic, will face tax audits this year.
How best to avoid taxing situations

How best to avoid taxing situations

Law firm DFDL Legal and Tax’s senior tax manager Phan Thi Lieu writes that it is essential that taxpayers know their rights and obligations regarding an expected escalation in tax audits.
Firms dance to a new audit tune

Firms dance to a new audit tune

Businesses should start planning and get their houses in order for a new wave of onsite tax inspections. Rolf Winand, Partner of DFDL law firm writes these inspections should not be onerous if proper planning and preparation is done now.

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