Using lessons from SARS to combat new epidemic

Using lessons from SARS to combat new epidemic

How the local economy pulled through the SARS outbreak back in 2003 is now believed to be the very experience helping it rebound from the COVID-19 epidemic this time around.
The global spread of the coronavirus: Where is it?

The global spread of the coronavirus: Where is it?

A virus similar to the SARS pathogen has claimed more than 130 lives since emerging in a market in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, and spread around the world.
Oil, equities hit by fears over economic impact of deadly virus

Oil, equities hit by fears over economic impact of deadly virus

Fears over the global economic impact of the deadly China virus sent oil prices plunging more than 2 per cent on Monday (Jan 27) to extend last week's sell-off, while safe-haven assets including the yen and gold rallied.