Areas identified as pillars of a sustainable economy

Areas identified as pillars of a sustainable economy

Carbon credits, green real estate, and e-commerce should be the focus for Vietnam's sustainable efforts, a VIR conference heard on November 12.
Investment in Vietnam’s carbon market: the opportunities and the challenges

Investment in Vietnam’s carbon market: the opportunities and the challenges

The growing demand for carbon credits ranks high in Vietnam. As global awareness and regulatory pressures on climate change increase, the demand for carbon credits is expected to rise.
Revealing the truth about the carbon credit market

Revealing the truth about the carbon credit market

Carbon credits have recently made headlines in Vietnam, with the concept often surrounded by overblown expectations of an easy option, or suspicions of what feel unlikely attempts to cancel out greenhouse gas emissions.
Waiting for forest zoning and carbon credit generation

Waiting for forest zoning and carbon credit generation

Forest zoning for generation and trade of carbon credits is considered an important solution to create abundant carbon storage in Vietnam as well as establish favourable conditions for enterprises to negotiate selling prices.