Heavy capital in reach for blockchain games

Heavy capital in reach for blockchain games

Vietnam is continually developing blockchain game initiatives that draw million-dollar foreign investments, a VIR talk show heard last week.
Bolstering cybersecurity along with the rise of NFT games

Bolstering cybersecurity along with the rise of NFT games

Last Thursday, Vietnam Investment Review hosted the talk show ‘Cybersecurity Issues with NFT Games’, during which the guests not only discussed some of the most daunting questions regarding the security of blockchain games but also gave advice on how to successfully establish a project, as well as what kind of legal framework would be necessary to guide companies and end-users.
Protecting tech groups with cybersecurity measures

Protecting tech groups with cybersecurity measures

Tin Nguyen, CEO of Polaris Infosec and a former FBI agent, talked with VIR’s Linh Le about the possible outcomes that follow the FBI’s investigation into the matter, and the cybersecurity concerns for rapid tech development in Vietnam.
Blockchain games become force to be reckoned with

Blockchain games become force to be reckoned with

This year has seen the rise of Vietnamese-based blockchain games in the global market. Lynn Hoang, country director of Binance Vietnam, talked with VIR’s Thanh Van about the bright future of homegrown blockchain games.