npl cancer grows profits hit

NPL cancer grows, profits hit

High non-performing loan ratios are continuing to cause expenses for banks as they are forced to invest in provisions. Larger banks particularly are finding it difficult to both battle bad debt and achieve profits.
banks reduce interest rates on deposits

Banks reduce interest rates on deposits

dollar dips vs euro amid weak us data

Dollar dips vs euro amid weak US data

The dollar weakens against the euro under pressure from disappointing data, while the yen tumbles after the Bank of Japan extend a special lending scheme for banks.
eurozone banks will be allowed to fail says regulator

Eurozone banks will be allowed to fail, says regulator

The incoming head of Europe's new single banking supervisory authority has warned that weak eurozone banks will be allowed to fail following upcoming stress tests, in an interview in Monday's Financial Times.
risk warnings on npls persist

Risk warnings on NPLs persist

While the State Bank and commercial banks have attempted to tackle non-performing loans, the risk of bad debts increasing in the future remains.
banks urged to lower interest rates

Banks urged to lower interest rates

The State Bank of Viet Nam (SBV) recently instructed credit institutions to continue to ease access to loans for enterprises by lowering interest rates, in a bid to assist struggling businesses and guarantee efficient bank operations this year.
bank rates lead to swaps

Bank rates lead to swaps

Some banks have complained that clients take loans and chase higher interest accounts at other banks.
sbv determined to enact bad debt decree

SBV determined to enact bad debt decree

The State Bank of Vietnam has confirmed it will not delay the implementation of Circular 02/2013/TT-NHNN on the classification of debts slated to take effect on June 1, though banks have warned the move might create a domino-chain collapse of the banking system.
banks still bleak about boosting credit in 2014

Banks still bleak about boosting credit in 2014

Bank executives are mulling ways to achieve credit growth this year amid a continuing tough business climate.
new banking decree fails to up foreign ownership

New banking decree fails to up foreign ownership

us tax compliance act threatens tardy banks

US tax compliance act threatens tardy banks

188 mln swindle case by bank staff now on trial

$188 mln swindle case by bank staff now on trial

This morning, the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Court opened a hearing for a 36-year-old woman and her 22 accomplices involved in a striking swindle case in which they appropriated nearly VND4 trillion (US$188.7 million) from many individuals and banks.
commercial banks to find forex profit routes

Commercial banks to find forex profit routes

Despite commercial banks having faced difficulties in profiteering from forex trading activities in recent years due to the State Bank of Vietnam’s commitment to maintain a stable exchange rate, experts claim options are still available for investment in the market.
banks target familiar clients to boost credit

Banks target familiar clients to boost credit

Instead of offering cheap loans to all potential clients to simulate credit growth as had been done in 2012, commercial banks towards the end of this year are instead targeting clients with specific credit packages.
eurozone set for volatile 2014 as it tackles banks

Eurozone set for volatile 2014 as it tackles banks

The eurozone is finally set to return to growth in 2014 but the single currency bloc may not have put its crisis behind it as efforts to shore up its banks could boomerang.