buv vietnam a diamond of investment opportunities in education

BUV: Vietnam a diamond of investment opportunities in education

Raymond Gordon, vice chancellor and president, British University Vietnam (BUV), has said that Vietnam is a valuable gem, or diamond of investment opportunities in education.
tracking germanys investment journey in vietnam

Tracking Germany’s investment journey in Vietnam

The first German investments flowed into Vietnam shortly after the country opened its doors to foreigners
the pitfalls in luring new investment from overseas

The pitfalls in luring new investment from overseas

With more than 36,000 projects implemented, over $442 billion invested, and millions of jobs created, foreign investment has made a significant contribution to the impressive socioeconomic development of Vietnam over the past three decades.
progress clear on vietnams trade path

Progress clear on Vietnam’s trade path

After more than two decades of robust growth, Vietnam has again shown an exceptionally strong economic development in the past year. In the last 10 years, the volume of trade with the European Union has increased 2.3 times, and the EU is now Vietnam’s third-largest trading partner.
the transition to an emerging market

The transition to an emerging market

The first and most significant event in Vietnam’s economic reform policy was the passing of the Law on Foreign Investment in 1987. It was significant as it concretised the Party’s decision to develop the country through opening to foreign investment and moving to a market economy.
poring over the limitations in managing foreign funding

Poring over the limitations in managing foreign funding

Foreign investment has been contributing to helping Vietnam implement the country’s industrialisation and modernisation strategy. Furthermore, the economic values created have helped Vietnam solve various social problems, such as poverty reduction, social evils, and inequality. However, there are many limitations in both attracting and managing such investment.
neighbouring groups make up for lost time

Neighbouring groups make up for lost time

Business communities from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong are speeding up and expanding their operations in Vietnam.
the favourable factors for fdi in the paper industry

The favourable factors for FDI in the paper industry

The trend of Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea, and China investing in the paper industry is set to continue. Vietnam Pulp and Paper Association general secretary Dang Van Son spoke to VIR’s Van Nguyen about future industry developments.
flexibility desired for infrastructure

Flexibility desired for infrastructure

Governments from diverse corners of the world have harnessed the potential of foreign investment to propel their own infrastructure ambitions. Richard Abadie, partner and leader of Global Capital Projects & Infrastructure at PwC; and Jennifer Tay, partner and leader of Infrastructure at PwC Singapore, told VIR’s Le Luu about the nuances that characterise the investment landscape in Vietnam’s infrastructure domain.
deep c further refines major eco ventures

DEEP C further refines major eco-ventures

Last week Haiphong Economic Zone Authority awarded investment certificates to two secondary projects in the electronic and energy sectors within DEEP C Haiphong II Industrial Zone (IZ).
fia global minimum tax and currency devaluation affecting fdi

FIA: Global minimum tax and currency devaluation affecting FDI

Speaking at the VIR-hostedconference on May 15, Do Van Su, deputy director general of the Foreign Investment Agency (FIA) under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) said that the decrease in foreign capital coming into Vietnam has been caused by recent shifts in global tax policy and currency devaluation in certain countries, while investment relocation from China has not brought much benefit.
flagship non tariff logistics and industrial zone project kicks off in haiphong

Flagship non-tariff, logistics, and industrial zone project kicks-off in Haiphong

On May 13, Haiphong People's Committee and Xuan Cau-Lach Huyen Investment JSC held the groundbreaking ceremony for the Lach Huyen non-tariff, logistics, and industrial zone project.
vpbank provides effective support for fies

VPBank provides effective support for FIEs

In a fresh move, the innovative Hanoi-based commercial lender VPBank has reiterated its focus on promoting the foreign direct investment (FDI) landscape in Vietnam through a cooperative deal with its strategic partner, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC), to develop and supply an inclusive suite of solutions to support foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) landing ventures in Vietnam.
vir honours investors who help make vietnam an fdi success story photo

VIR honours investors who help make Vietnam an FDI success story (photo)

VIR has granted medals to honour the investors, businesses, and organisations that have contributed to making Vietnam a foreign direct investment (FDI) success story.
wider interest raised through asean deals

Wider interest raised through ASEAN deals

With ASEAN expected to see a brighter investment outlook ahead, further facilitation of a more competitive facilitation environment leveraged by trade deals is helping Vietnam attract more funding from nations such as Thailand, Singapore, and Japan.