more banks provide e tax payment service

More banks provide e-tax payment service

The General Department of Customs (GDC) announced another four banks that qualify to provide its 24/7 e-tax payment scheme, raising the total to 22 banks.
foreign capital finds its way to lucrative local fintech market

Foreign capital finds its way to lucrative local fintech market

Foreign players are eager to join Vietnam’s lucrative fintech market, while local banks have been scaling up co-operation with fintech firms to avail themselves of Industry 4.0 opportunities.
government directs capital hike for state owned banks

Government directs capital hike for State-owned banks

The Government is directing ministries and agencies to raise capital for State-owned commercial banks through the use of dividends or share sales this year, Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue said at a recent meeting.
banks upbeat about reaching full year profit targets

Banks upbeat about reaching full-year profit targets

Banks are confident in reaching their full-year profit targets albeit the central bank is unlikely to loosen banks’ credit growth limit in the second half.
bad debts landscape at small banks

Bad debts landscape at small banks

There has been great variations in small-scale banks’ bad debts performance in the first half of the year, with some showing great improvements, while others struggle to cope.
experts forecast lending rates to remain stable

Experts forecast lending rates to remain stable

Many commercial banks have recently increased deposit interest rates, but experts forecast that the rise will last only a short time and won’t have a domino effect on lending rates.
central bank adamant on credit growth cap

Central bank adamant on credit growth cap

Local credit institutions might struggle more in the second half of the year, with some even having to downsize full-year profit targets, as they are approaching the credit growth limit and the central bank refuses to allow more leeway to maintain macroeconomic stability.
govt aims to boost public service payment through banks

Gov’t aims to boost public service payment through banks

The Government will continuously fine-tune legal regulations to encourage and popularise the payment of public services through banks, deputy governor of the State Bank of Viet Nam (SBV) Nguyen Kim Anh said at a forum on accelerating the payment of public services via banks held in Ha Noi on Friday.
government mulls tightening foreign bank laws

Government mulls tightening foreign bank laws

Experts have agreed with the Government’s plan to restrict or even stop licensing wholly foreign-owned banks in Vietnam, saying it was necessary to help increase the stability of the domestic banking system.
banks prepare to raise game and list on overseas bourses

Banks prepare to raise game and list on overseas bourses

By slashing state ownership at three state-owned banks, the Vietnamese government is taking a progressive step in its quest to perk up the banking system, bring it up to regional standards, and prepare for the banks to be listed on international stock exchanges in the near future. Trang Nguyen and Nam Phuong report.
eximbank to apply infosys technology for enhanced risk management

Eximbank to apply infosys technology for enhanced risk management

The current challenges brought about by changes in the business environment and increasing requirements of risk management regulations have promoted banks, including Eximbank, to synchronise particular products.
scb and hong kong banks sign the cooperation agreement on syndicated credit financing

SCB and Hong Kong banks sign the cooperation agreement on syndicated credit financing

Saigon Joint Stock Commercial Bank (SCB) and three banks from Hong Kong committed to mutually provide credit and ensure a stable financing source for Union Square to foster its business operations.
banks going the fintech ma route

Banks going the fintech M&A route

Vietnamese fintech companies can expect a raft of foreign financial institutions seeking a relationship with them, as the latter have found this route a promising one to access the underbanked population of the country.
best in vietnamese ma honoured at ma forum

Best in Vietnamese M&A  honoured at M&A Forum

Vietnam M&A Forum 2018 last week announced the winners of the best deals and advisory firms for 2017-2018 and the decade between 2009 and 2018. The award winners are companies, banks, and advisory firms that have made significant contributions to landmark M&A results and excellence in engagement delivery.
moodys upgrades ratings of 14 vietnamese banks

Moody’s upgrades ratings of 14 Vietnamese banks

Moody’s Investors Service on Tuesday upgraded the ratings of 14 Vietnamese banks, driven by its upgrade of Vietnam’s sovereign rating to Ba3 from B1 late last week.