odd fact in hanoi

Odd fact in Hanoi

If they seek a place to visit, Hanoians will never mention museums. Parents who are always eager to seek useful addresses to enrich their children’s knowledge never think of taking their kids to museums, though nearly 20 museums of Hanoi are situated at the best locations.
state bank may lift deposit rate limit in june

State Bank may lift deposit rate limit in June

australian firms seek business opportunities in vietnam

Australian firms seek business opportunities in Vietnam

sme has back to wall as ssc looks to play tough

SME has back to wall as SSC looks to play tough

Vietnam may see its first forced closure of a securities company after market regulators shut down key operations at SME Securities.
imported chemicals must contain vietnamese labelling

Imported chemicals must contain Vietnamese labelling

All imported chemical substances sold in Vietnam must be labelled in the Vietnamese language, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has announced.
gold moves inversely with global price

Gold moves inversely with global price

Price of gold in Vietnam moved inversely with global price, sliding slightly on February 12 although global price added small rise after Greek lawmakers approved austerity bill.
gm seeks a pick up over its van claim

GM seeks a pick-up over its van claim

GM Vietnam Motors Company is losing hand over fist because of regulatory confusion over whether its Chevrolet Spark is a van or a pick-up truck.
vietnam jans fdi attraction plunges 98 pct y o y

Vietnam Jan’s FDI attraction plunges 98 pct y-o-y

In January, Vietnam managed to attract foreign-direct investment (FDI) worth $37.3 million, which is only 2.5 per cent of the figure recorded at this time last year, according to the Ministry of Planning and Investment.
spanish enterprises interested in vietnam market

Spanish enterprises interested in Vietnam market

A group of Spanish businessmen will attend the Spain-Vietnam Business Forum to be held in Ho Chi Minh City from April 16-17.
local auto firms need straight road

Local auto firms need straight road

Taking on the post of Vietnam Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (VAMA) chairman from January 1, Laurent Charpentier - also Ford Vietnam managing director, tells VIR about difficulties and challenges facing Vietnam-based auto firms.
foreign banks face asset threshold

Foreign banks face asset threshold

Foreign banks who want licences to operate in Vietnam must have at least VND100 trillion ($4.76 billion) worth of assets in total, according to the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV).
uk firms see potential in vietnam market

UK firms see potential in Vietnam market

Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills Vince Cable and Foreign Secretary William Hague of the UK on December 7 launched a campaign to encourage British businesses to look for business opportunities in emerging markets in Asia, including Vietnam.
sbv unveils draft decree on gold trading management

SBV unveils draft decree on gold trading management

The State Bank of Vietnam Monday announced the official draft decree on gold trading management, with some additional clauses intended to dispel certain rumors which have been raising public concerns recently.
mercedes benz drives luxury segment

Mercedes-Benz drives luxury segment

Mercedes Benz continues to take the lead in Vietnam’s luxury car market with its Vietnam Motor Show 2011 offerings.
hcm city hosts motor show 2011

HCM City hosts Motor Show 2011