banks consider lending rate cuts

Banks consider lending rate cuts

Some major commercial banks are considering lowering lending interest rates after cutting dong deposit rates this week.
lending rates too high for property

Lending rates too high for property

High lending rates have kept people from procuring bank loans for their housing needs.
sbv asked to keep lending limits

SBV asked to keep lending limits

The HCM City Real Estate Association (HOREA) has proposed the State Bank of Viet Nam (SBV)'s regulations on lending limits and capital adequacy ratio requirements for credit institutions, including branches of foreign banks not be changed at the moment.
domestic lending drops off in january

Domestic lending drops off in January

Lending by January 20, 2016 declined 0.21 per cent against the end of last year, according to a report released by State Bank of Viet Nam (SBV) yesterday.
new lending rules to help banks moodys

New lending rules to help banks: Moody's

The State Bank of Viet Nam (SBV)'s recent proposals on tightening lending rules would benefit local banks, the rating agency Moody's said on Monday.
lending in foreign currency regulations

Lending in foreign currency regulations

The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has issued Circular No. 24/2015/TT-NHNN on providing foreign currency loans by credit institutions and foreign bank branches to residents. The Circular applies to credit institutions and foreign bank branches allowed to conduct foreign-exchange activities and lending in foreign currency ("Lender"), and residents borrowing from Lenders ("Borrower").
lending rates unable to decrease

Lending rates unable to decrease

It proves a challenging task for banks to further relax lending rates amid the slowing growth in bank deposits and the central bank’s recent adjustment of the exchange rate.
banks move toward non collateral lending

Banks move toward non-collateral lending

Hanoi - Commercial banks and credit rating agencies are likely to take their first cautious steps toward providing loans without requiring collateral by evaluating company's portfolios and their leadership.
banks prioritise consumer lending

Banks prioritise consumer lending

Banks are showing a bigger appetite for joining with financial entities to tap the potential consumer loan market.
lending rates remain stubborn

Lending rates remain stubborn

Joint stock banks’ lending rates have yet to be relaxed a week after the State Bank’s base interest rate cut.
lending to start climbing north

Lending to start climbing north

Banks’ consumer lending is expected to heat up in the wake of a state policy incentive proposal to be rolled out this quarter. 
city banks still boost lending

City banks still boost lending

Several banks in HCMC are still accelerating lending activity in various credit support programs, including via lending programs arranged by the HCMC government.
lending rates face hurdles to go south

Lending rates face hurdles to go south

Lending rates have been stubbornly falling as commercial banks face capital cost and bad debt barriers.
central bank to remove lending cap

Central bank to remove lending cap

The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has issued a new regulation to remove the lending cap of 80 per cent imposed banks as of September 1.
banks begin to ease lending rates

Banks begin to ease lending rates

Bank lending interest rates in Ho Chi Minh City have dropped to as low as 17 per cent as banks have begun to cut rates that had reached up to 25 per cent.