samsung unveils new champion in smartphone war update

Samsung unveils new champion in smartphone war (update)

samsung unveils new champion in smartphone war

Samsung unveils new champion in smartphone war

samsung unveils new product in apple offensive

Samsung unveils new product in Apple offensive

samsungs confident pitch

Samsung’s confident pitch

Samsung is expecting to obtain an investment certificate for its $2 billion manufacturing factory in northern Thai Nguyen province at the end this month.
samsung taxed by review plan

Samsung taxed by review plan

An offer of preferential corporate income tax for Samsung at its planned $2 billion facility in northern Thai Nguyen province may require a review by the National Assembly.
shares in sharp up 17pct on samsung tie up reports

Shares in Sharp up 17pct on Samsung tie-up reports

judge cuts 450m from 1b samsung apple penalty

Judge cuts $450m from $1b Samsung-Apple penalty

samsung to build second plant in vietnam

Samsung to build second plant in Vietnam

Samsung Electronics Vietnam will build a factory to produce and assemble mobile phones and hi-tech electronic products as part of a high-tech project in northern Thai Nguyen province.
samsung boosts us research venture fund

Samsung boosts US research, venture fund

Samsung announced Monday it was pumping more money into research and venture capital funding efforts that will be led by a new hub for the South Korean giant in Silicon Valley.
samsung chairman wins 4 bn family court case

Samsung chairman wins $4 bn family court case

Samsung Electronics chairman Lee Kun-Hee won a court ruling Friday against demands from his siblings to hand over billions of dollars in shares in various Samsung Group companies.
samsung apple gain in us mobile market

Samsung, Apple gain in US mobile market

Samsung extended its lead as the top mobile phone maker in the US market and Apple moved into second place, an industry tracker said Friday.
samsung in rd race against time

Samsung in R&D race against time

Samsung Electronics Vietnam is struggling to build a research and development facility in Hanoi that will enable the firm to be officially recognised as a hi-tech one in Vietnam.
samsung adopts ips for nexus 10

Samsung adopts IPS for Nexus 10

Samsung Electronics, which has argued the superiority of its AMOLED display in image quality, is using IPS technology for its latest product.
kumho hunts landmark incentives

Kumho hunts landmark incentives

Kumho Asiana Group wants to follow in the footsteps of Samsung and gain landmark tax incentives for its investment expansion plans.
more investors could seek special investment carrots

More investors could seek special investment carrots

Other investors could look to follow in Samsung’s foot steps, after the electronics giant received special incentives to expand its investments in Vietnam.