east asia cushioned from global crisis world bank

East Asia cushioned from global crisis: World Bank

Growth in East Asian economies will slow next year with demand from key export markets in the United States and falling as they struggle with their debt crises, warned on Tuesday.
price gap cause bottleneck

Price gap cause bottleneck

The huge gap between government-regulated and market land prices in Vietnam is causing bottlenecks in the country’s land market, according to one World Bank expert.
world bank critiques vietnamese real estate market

World Bank critiques Vietnamese real estate market

Land prices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are equivalent to 80 years of rental costs, the World Bank has said.
wb provides 135 billion for vietnam

WB provides $13.5 billion for Vietnam

The World Bank has so far provided Vietnam with non-refundable aid, preferential credits and loans worth $13.5 billion to help the country in its national development.
singapore tops business friendly ranks world bank

Singapore tops business-friendly ranks: World Bank

Singapore remains the easiest place to do business, the World Bank said in a report, with the Asian financial center keeping its title for a sixth straight year.
china must rebalance economy world bank chief

China must rebalance economy: World Bank chief

The head of the World Bank on Monday urged China to rebalance its export-driven economy and said taming rising inflation remained the most important challenge for the country in the short term.
world bank chief warns of economic danger zone

World Bank chief warns of economic 'danger zone'

World Bank chief Robert Zoellick warned Saturday that the global economy was heading into a new "danger zone", as he urged China to speed up structural reforms to help its development.
world bank praises nam dinh urban upgrade

World Bank praises Nam Dinh urban upgrade

A working delegation of the World Bank (WB) spoke highly of the implementation of an urban upgrade project which is underway in the northern province of Nam Dinh, during a working visit to the province from August 17-19.
anti corruption initiatives for 2011 awarded

Anti-corruption initiatives for 2011 awarded

Thirty-four out of over 160 projects of the Vietnam Anti-Corruption Initiative 2011 (VACI) programme, jointly held by the Government Inspectorate and the World Bank (WB), were honoured at an award ceremony in Hanoi on August 17.
world bank assists anti corruption competition

World Bank assists anti-corruption competition

The final round of competition of Vietnam Anti-Corruption Initiative, VACI 2011 was launched on August 16 by the Government Inspectorate and the World Bank (WB) in Hanoi.
farmers form alliances to boost profits

Farmers form alliances to boost profits

Farmers in the Central Highlands province of Gia Lai are joining alliances to enhance the value of their agricultural products as part of a project that uses funds from a governmental loan from the World Bank.
danang gets help in urban transport planning

Danang gets help in urban transport planning

The Temasek Foundation of Singapore and the World Bank (WB) will fund a programme on enhancing traffic management capacity and transport planning for the central city of Danang.
ifc provides record funding for vietnamese businesses

IFC provides record funding for Vietnamese businesses

The International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group, on July 22 committed a record $505 million in the fiscal year 2011 to help Vietnamese businesses increase their import and export activities.
world bank chief slams plans for mini trade deal

World Bank chief slams plans for mini trade deal

World Bank chief Robert Zoellick attacked World Trade Organization member states on Monday over their plans to secure a mini free trade deal rather than an overall accord by December, saying that this was defeatist.
wb finances 710 mln for three projects

WB finances $710 mln for three projects

The World Bank (WB) will provide $710 million for Vietnam to implement three projects on public investment reform, irrigation and urban water supply.