pharma drive a chance for real estate

Pharma drive a chance for real estate

Despite having limited facilities for life sciences real estate, Vietnam could open up to potential development in the industry, analysts say.
weighing real estate ticker growth potential

Weighing real estate ticker growth potential

As real estate tickers have been more appealing these days, investors are keen on which are the best bet in the forthcoming months.
banks tighten loans for real estate businesses

Banks tighten loans for real estate businesses

The banking industry sharply reduced outstanding loans for real estate business in the first half of 2021 and will continue such limits in the second half.
real estate market on firm basis in first half

Real estate market on firm basis in first half

Moves to slow the damage being done by the pandemic and curb resulting land fever issues have helped keep the fortunes of the domestic real estate market in good stead so far in 2021.
marina integrated real estate new lifestyle for vietnamese elite

Marina-integrated real estate: new lifestyle for Vietnamese elite

Around the world, luxury waterfront complexes have always been the choice for upper-class residents, from billionaires and politicians to world-famous stars – and the rising affluent population in Vietnam is showing growing demand for this product line.
robust growth spurs real estate chances

Robust growth spurs real estate chances

The fundraising activities of some real estate brokerages in Vietnam have come roaring back in the past few months, with some long-anticipated offerings in June slated to gain investors’ attraction. These businesses have also unveiled their ambition to reap the benefits from a large pool of capital, thus promising to deliver exceptional services to their customers.
industrial real estate narrow internal external distance

Industrial real estate: Narrow internal-external distance

To keep their home market, many domestic industrial real estate investors are not only racing to amass land funds but also to improve the quality of their products and industrial park management capabilities to attract customers.
real estate moves with times in tech led efforts

Real estate moves with times in tech-led efforts

The real estate market in 2021 has seen a downturn in revenues, sales decreasing, and vacant spaces on the rise. With that, developers are attempting to persuade more buyers to accept new tech-based methods of product introduction.
a close eye will still be kept on real estate deals

A close eye will still be kept on real estate deals

The real estate market is set to open up to foreigners and overseas Vietnamese following the release of the draft law on real estate business, which will result in a healthier market.
online real estate databases is booming in vietnam

Online real estate databases is booming in Vietnam

Online real estate databases are booming in Vietnam thanks to growing residential demand.
delayed law on land holding up real estate

Delayed Law on Land holding up real estate

The delay in revising the country’s land laws has made negative impacts on the real estate market with many halted projects due to unclear and overlapping guidelines, subsequently causing new supply limitations and increasing the risk of a market bubble.
seizmic shifts in vietnamese real estate market

Seizmic shifts in Vietnamese real estate market

The third session of Vietnam M&A Forum 2020 gathered experts and key leaders from Vietnam's leading real estate developers. Moderated by Michael Piro, COO, Indochina Capital, the session's participants shared their thoughts on market prospects and what needs to be improved to realise the market's potential.
five trends identified for real estate market in 2021

Five trends identified for real estate market in 2021

While 2020 is believed to have changed the real estate industry, trends in the sector this year are forecast to sustain or be aligned with demand in the market.
opportunities in a disarrayed real estate market

Opportunities in a disarrayed real estate market

Mergers and acquisition deals in the real estate sector across Vietnam are currently on an uptrend. Jack Nguyen, partner at Mazars in Vietnam, shares his expert opinion on the methods to expand various opportunities for international partners in order to participate in such deals in Vietnam, while also retaining the advantages of Vietnamese partners.
city outskirts emerge as real estate hotspots

City outskirts emerge as real estate hotspots

In the wake of the limiting land funds and rocketing prices in city centre locations, developers are expanding their interest in mergers and acquisitions towards satellite towns and other areas near Vietnam’s major cities.