imperative to attract foreign interest in stock market

Imperative to attract foreign interest in stock market

Despite serious endeavours, Vietnam’s equity market status still remains a frontier market. Pham Luu Hung, deputy director of the Center for Analysis and Investment Consulting at SSI Securities Corporation, discusses what should be done to quickly promote Vietnam’s status, and how to attract global and regional investors.
building a sustainable world that works for all

Building a sustainable world that works for all

The demand is growing around the world: for energy, for healthcare, for aviation – even as COVID-19 remains a concern. Growth, of course, is not new; but what is new is our need to meet this demand, while also ensuring these critical sectors are sustainable for the future.
rebooting through targeted measures

Rebooting through targeted measures

While rich countries are actively debating the need for big action with unprecedented fiscal stimulus packages to fight COVID-19, emerging countries are also trying to promote structural reforms. Professor Dr. Tran Ngoc Tho from the Ho Chi Minh City Economics University outlines what needs to be done in order to keep up with inevitable developments.
marvel at crossroads with black widow big screen return

Marvel at crossroads with 'Black Widow' big-screen return

Two years ago, after a blistering and unprecedented streak of billion-dollar-grossing movies, the Marvel superhero films took what was meant to be a short hiatus.
thriving bilateral us vietnam ties better than ever before

Thriving bilateral US-Vietnam ties better than ever before

On this day 245 years ago, the United States declared its independence in the midst of a hard-fought campaign to ensure that a people must be able to choose their own government, and to secure for Americans the universal rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. A typical Fourth of July in my hometown of Barnstable, Massachusetts, is spent enjoying a barbecue with family and friends, while fireworks light up the night sky above. But the Fourth of July is not simply an occasion to celebrate. It is a chance to reflect on the history and traditions of our nation, and be excited for what the future holds.
six must have steps for your business plan now

Six must-have steps for your business plan now

As the world begins to reactivate and reimagine itself from the impact of the pandemic, it is time to take a deep breath and assess the situation. To use a sporting analogy, we are in the tunnel ahead of what could be the biggest game of our lives. With the right strategy in place, there are great victories to be won. Without it, failure is unavoidable.
wha group targets thanh hoa province for two new izs

WHA Group targets Thanh Hoa province for two new IZs

Thailand-based WHA Group, a specialist developer of logistics facilities and industrial estates, sits in good stead for a strong 2021 after plans moved ahead for the launch of two new industrial zones in the north-central province of Thanh Hoa.
manpowergroup vietnam how to maintain an agile workforce

ManpowerGroup Vietnam: How to maintain an agile workforce

ManpowerGroup Vietnam on June 16 partnered with the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) to organise a virtual event titled “Maintaining an Agile Workforce” to share best practices around what organisations should do to maintain an agile workforce during the pandemic.
hanwha life vietnam supports community and sales force with 130430 against covid 19

Hanwha Life Vietnam supports community and sales force with $130,430 against COVID-19

Showing solidarity to all Vietnamese people during the pandemic, Hanwha Life Vietnam Insurance Co., Ltd. (Hanwha Life Vietnam) has just contributed VND1 billion ($43,480) to the Vaccine Fund of the Vietnamese government to contribute to immunising 75 per cent of Vietnam's population, thereby controlling the epidemic and bringing life back to normal.
growth prospects fuel mutual fund appeal despite inflation pressures

Growth prospects fuel mutual fund appeal despite inflation pressures

Low inflation and low interest rate environments are typically good times to invest in mutual funds, but what about when inflation and interest rates start to go up? The answer is simple: invest in mutual funds. 
helping next generation find their leadership identities

Helping next generation find their leadership identities

On account of the upcoming Vietnam Institute for Southeast Asian Directors’ mini MBA programme for young leaders in Vietnam, organisational psychology consultant My Holland, CEO of EQuest Asia, had a discussion with Tamas Nguyen about what Vietnam’s next generation of leaders will need to succeed in the future.
opening doors the pathway to university studying abroad and beyond

Opening doors: the pathway to university, studying abroad and beyond

Every step on your child’s learning journey helps to shape their aspirations for what they might do in future. Each subject they explore, each expedition they go on to visit new cultures and communities - feeds into their ever expanding view of the world and their place in it.
piqued interest for us investors in healthcare sector

Piqued interest for US investors in healthcare sector

With COVID-19 continuing to take centre stage across the world, most people have become very aware of both the importance and challenge of building healthcare systems to meet demands today and into the future. But what are some key indicators which illustrate the status of Vietnam’s healthcare system?
the employment skill transformation

The employment skill transformation

All this talk of “modern, human, 21st century, soft, cognitive, transformed and 4.0” skills – what does it actually mean in practical terms? The simple answer is; a person’s ability to do a modern job. I prefer to call the new competency requirements “common sense survival skills”.
localities step up in pandemic battle

Localities step up in pandemic battle

The last few weeks have seen somewhat of a resurgence of COVID-19 outbreaks up and down the country, which as of last Friday was seemingly under general control as new cases were being confined to locked-down areas.