banks continue to hedge bets when it comes to profits

Banks continue to hedge bets when it comes to profits

Banks are not optimistic on projecting their year-plan profits as the current economic situation remains uncertain for the finance industry.
banks look to strengthen foreign ties to weather choppy economy

Banks look to strengthen foreign ties to weather choppy economy

Some Vietnam banks are pondering new and deeper foreign partnerships to strengthen their positions amid current stormy economy.
sbv to auction gold until gap narrows

SBV to auction gold until gap narrows

The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) will sell gold until banks no longer need the precious metal with the hope that the gap between local and global gold prices will narrow, stated a senior source from the central bank.
banks look over their shoulders at vamc proposal

Banks look over their shoulders at VAMC proposal

Banks are taking a cautious approach towards a proposed national asset management company.
central bank calls for loan interest cuts

Central bank calls for loan interest cuts

State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) Governor Nguyen Van Binh has called on commercial banks to cut costs in order to reduce interest rates on business loans.
wealth management business promises well

Wealth management business promises well

The increasing affluence of the Vietnamese people allows banks to introduce more wealth management services in the country. Duong Duc Hung, head of retail banking at ANZ Vietnam.
banks stop offering gold loans

Banks stop offering gold loans

Credit institutions are no longer allowed to give loans to customers who want to purchase gold in any form, including primary gold, bullion and jewellery, according to the State Bank of Viet Nam (SBV).
vietnamese korean agriculture banks team up

Vietnamese, Korean agriculture banks team up

Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Agribank) on Monday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on comprehensive cooperation with NongHyup Bank, formerly known as National Agricultural Cooperative Federation of Korea, to facilitate business links between the two countries.
debt issue held up to the light

Debt issue held up to the light

A long-awaited draft decree addressing bank bad debts is under the microscope.
banks struggle to make capital work

Banks struggle to make capital work

Banks are continuing to sit on a pile cash with few firms ready to talk business.
credit remains a sticky question for banks

Credit remains a sticky question for banks

The State Bank might consider dividing banking system credit groups this year, but the growth cap might be unnecessary given soft credit growth.
banks cut deposit rates as liquidity improves

Banks cut deposit rates as liquidity improves

Many Vietnamese banks in HCM City have lowered deposit interest rates since early March as deposits continue to rise.
poor banks to be brought to account

Poor banks to be brought to account

A big stick is to be taken to banks’ restructuring.
banks find it hard to lend

Banks find it hard to lend

After successfully raising liquidity, and despite low interest rates, many Vietnamese banks have been finding it difficult to find new customers for loans.
banks to profit from calm approach

Banks to profit from calm approach

Banks are taking a calm approach to 2013 profit targets amid a stormy economy.