Roche Diagnostics to bring innovative clinical knowledge to Vietnam

July 31, 2012 | 15:19
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Roche Diagnostics Vietnam recently conducted a fourth chemical pathology course in Ho Chi Minh City in collaboration with the Ho Chi Minh City Medical Association of Medical Laboratory Technology and RMIT University in Australia.

The course attracted 300 medical laboratory professionals across the country.

Famous speakers in testing and clinical biochemistry delivered essays on ensuring quality of tests.

All trainees received a certificate issued by RMIT in Australia, Roche Diagnostics Vietnam and the Ho Chi Minh City Medical Association of Medical Laboratory Technology after the course.

Currently, 70 per cent of medical decisions are based on test results, testing needs of the people increased even more. Hence, the diagnostic tests need to be ensured health and technical requirements, quality and results.

The training course is one of the consecutive efforts of Roche Diagnostics Vietnam in educating and training of diagnostic technique, tests practice and the standard equipment operating so that medical laboratory professionals nationwide can improve the accuracy and reliability of test results to bring better healthcare to patient.

 The three previous annual training courses attracted totally 500 laboratory experts.

 “We will continue to collaborate with medical associations across the country to deliver seminars and training courses that empower healthcare professionals to deliver the best possible care and service to patients,” said Rod Ward, general manager of Roche Diagnostics Vietnam.

By Minh Thien

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