PM encourages Samsung investment

September 30, 2013 | 21:36
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The government of Vietnam will create the best possible conditions for Republic of Korean companies, including Samsung, to do long-term business in the country, says Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.
PM Nguyen Tan Dung (R) pledged to facilitate Samsung's operations in Vietnam (Photo:VGP)

While receiving Jung Yeon Ju, Vice Chairman of the Board and Co-Chief Executive Officer of Samsung C&T Corp, in Hanoi on September 30, Dung expressed his wish Samsung will expand its operations in Vietnam to help deepen Vietnam-RoK cooperation.

He appreciated Samsung’s operations in the country and stressed the success of the RoK company and other foreign investors is that of Vietnam.

He noted the RoK is one of Vietnam’s leading trade partners and bilateral cooperation has brought practical benefits to both countries over the years.

The PM said the establishment of the strategic partnership between Vietnam and RoK during President Park Geun-hye’s visit in September 2013 will foster bilateral cooperation in future.

Yeon briefed his host on the operation of 35 Samsung companies around the world, and proposed Vietnam continue creating a transparent investment environment for Samsung to operate in the long term in the country.


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