Network of innovation centers launched across universities

November 18, 2022 | 10:08
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On November 15, the National Innovation Centre (NIC) held a Workshop on the Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centers at Universities and Colleges with the participation of more than 100 delegates from more than 40 universities and colleges across the country.
Network of innovation and entrepreneurship centers across universities and colleges launched
NIC director Vu Quoc Huy speaking at the workshop

NIC director Vu Quoc Huy reaffirmed the policy of the Party and state in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship activities, connecting and developing innovation and start-up ecosystems in all fields and economic sectors.

"The first launch of the network of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centers is crucial in order to connect, exchange, and share knowledge, experience, skills, and especially resources," emphasised Huy.

At the workshop, the NIC pledged to support the network's activities in the coming time.

Network of innovation and entrepreneurship centers across universities and colleges launched
The 13 first members of the network

Le Mai Lan, vice chairwoman of Vingroup and chairwoman of VinUni University said that VinUni is honoured to be one of the first members to join the network and wants to make a significant contribution to its development.

"VinUni's startup centre belongs to the Vingroup ecosystem, so there will be some opportunities for members of the network to discuss real-life case studies from the market related to technologies and the future development trends in such fields as health, tourism, agriculture, and energy," said Lan.

At the workshop, the network was launched with the first 13 members that include leading universities from across the country and seven members of the Executive Board.

The network chairman will be changed annually, with the first for the 2022-2023 period being Le Thu Ha, director of the Foreign Trade University's Innovation and Incubation Space.

Vietnam Innovation Challenge 2022 Vietnam Innovation Challenge 2022

Vietnam Innovation Challenge 2022 – themed innovation and digital transformation solutions for the business community – will contribute to attracting investment in Vietnam in a sustainable way, creating favourable conditions for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to join the value chain.

Digital transformation accompanying SMEs for viability and growth Digital transformation accompanying SMEs for viability and growth

The Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), and Meta just organised the Forum on Accompanying SMEs with Digital Transformation.

By Nguyen Huong

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