Modern parents teach children how to use technology to manage spending

September 13, 2021 | 07:30
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Parents are taking advantage of technology to help their children learn to manage spending and save more.

As technology advances, the use of online payments and e-wallets has risen significantly. Thus, today's parents can open e-wallet accounts for their children to teach them how to spend wisely for their future. Keeping up with this trend, VNPAY has developed a family e-wallet feature that allows parents to open a member e-wallet for their kids.

Dang Tu (42, Hanoi) said that since his whole family had begun using the VNPAY e-wallet, it is not only more simple to pay for daily shopping, he can also teach his child financial management. “We give our son pocket money but we worried that he would use the money irresponsibly so I set a spending limit on his member e-wallet on VNPAY so we can control his spending. Now he knows to think carefully before spending. Using e-wallets to manage his pocket money is much more convenient than before.”

Modern parents teach children how to use technology to manage spending
Download VNPAY e-wallet to create member e-wallets for children.

Enhancing autonomy and responsibility

VNPAY's family e-wallet feature is popular among parents because it is easy for them to track their children's spending through the app. Simply giving out cash, parents often worry about where the money goes, which is no longer a concern with the application.

With a few simple steps on a smartphone, parents can successfully open a member e-wallet for their children. They need only open the VNPAY e-wallet, select the "Family Wallet", and fill in the child's information to create a new member wallet. After that, parents can freely monitor their children's spending.

Mai Lan, a 43-year-old housewife from Danang shared, "I think that opening an e-wallet and setting a spending limit for my children have been very useful. It gives them autonomy to decide what they want and responsibility for their spending decisions. I only need to get involved with advice when necessary.”

Modern parents teach children how to use technology to manage spending
Modern families are embracing smart payment methods.

Many others also believe that member e-wallets help their children to be more active and confident in their daily activities, teaching them self-control when handling money. During daily shopping activities such as going to the supermarket, convenience store, pharmacy, or bookstore children can actively pay at more than 150,000 VNPAY-QR payment acceptance points and enter promotion codes to maximise their money's worth.

With the spending limit feature available for member e-wallets, children can actively shop online and pay on VNPAY's VnShop, participate in the hunt for "flash sales" and many promotions with a series of amazing offers to buy genuine products and get free shipping nationwide.

Download VNPAY e-wallet on the App Store or Google Play to manage spending with your children now!

By Van Chinh

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