Malaysia to recruit large number of foreign workers in three sub-sectors

October 04, 2023 | 13:00
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Applications for the recruitment of foreign workers for barbershops and the textile and goldsmithery sub-sectors will open on October 10, according to Malaysian Minister of Human Resources V. Sivakumar.
Malaysia to recruit large number of foreign workers in three sub-sectors | World | Vietnam+ (VietnamPlus)
Malaysian Minister of Human Resources V. Sivakumar (C) (Source:

Kuala Lumpur - Applications for the recruitment of foreign workers for barbershops and the textile and goldsmithery sub-sectors will open on October 10, according to Malaysian Minister of Human Resources V. Sivakumar.

This was in line with the government's announcement last month to reopen the intake of foreign workers for the three sub-sectors which had been frozen since 2009, he said recently.

Sivakumar said the Cabinet meeting on September 8 had approved a quota of 7,500 foreign workers for the three sub-sectors, including the existing 5,000 foreign workers in the sub-sectors, based on the records of the Immigration Department.

One of the conditions is that the application must be made by employers registered with the Indian commerce association and no extension of the application is allowed after the quota of 7,500 foreign workers is met, he stated, adding that for existing foreign workers, the application for renewal of the Temporary Employment Visit Pass (PLKS) can be made by employers from October 10.

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