Laos donates $300,000 into Vietnam's Vaccine Fund

June 28, 2021 | 17:46
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The donation is a contribution by businesses and people from Laos to aid Vietnam in its fight against the pandemic.
Laos donates $300,000 into Vietnam's Vaccine Fund

Yesterday afternoon (June 27), Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh had a meeting with Laos counterpart Sonexay Siphandone, chairman of the Laos-Vietnam Cooperation Committee, and the Lao Minister of Planning and Investment.

At the meeting, DPM Pham Binh Minh congratulated Laos for the successful 11th National Congress of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, and highly appreciated the visit of Thongloun Sisoulith, General Secretary of Lao People's Revolutionary Party and State President, to Vietnam. Vietnam is their first country of visit under the new tenure, reflecting special bilateral relations.

“With careful preparation, I believe that the visit of Thongloun Sisoulith to Vietnam would be successful," DPM Minh said.

"The Laos-Vietnam relationship is special for President Thongloun Sisoulith to choose Vietnam as the first destination of his overseas trip," DPM Siphandone said.

Laos donates $300,000 into Vietnam's Vaccine Fund
Laos donates $300,000 to Vietnam's Vaccine Fund

Talking about the previous meeting with Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung, DPM Siphandone said, "The meetings among the offices and leaders of the two ministries have succeeded. Businesses of the two countries have signed several MoUs and cooperation agreements in power purchase and the cooperation between Phongsubthavy (Laos) and VinFast (Vietnam)."

Highly appreciating the cooperation of the two Ministries of Planning and Investment in fighting against the pandemic, DPM Siphandone on behalf of the Lao government and Vietnamese people living and working in Laos donated $300,000 to Vietnam's Vaccine Fund.

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