Handshake between EI Industrial and VietinBank promotes comprehensive cooperation

January 05, 2022 | 17:18
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EI Industrial JSC and VietinBank signed a comprehensive strategic partnership to promote bilateral development at the head office of EI Industrial Company in Ho Chi Minh City on January 5.
Handshake between EI Industrial and VietinBank promotes comprehensive cooperation
Handshake between EI Industrial and VietinBank promotes comprehensive cooperation

The agreement sets a solid foundation for both parties’ cooperation to promote and maximise their potential, position, and competitiveness.

As the first Vietnamese business-to-business e-commerce platform, EI Industrial's web presence focuses on the manufacturing industry. Besides facilitating trade of supplies, industrial machinery, equipment, spare parts, and components, the platform also supports customers in digitalising purchasing processes with Software as a Service – including E-Procurement, a purchasing management integration software.

According to the comprehensive cooperation agreement with VietinBank – one of the leading banks in Vietnam – both parties will promote and strengthen cooperation activities, together exploit each party's strengths to support and develop in order to better serve current and potential customers.

“The comprehensive cooperation between eiindustrial.com and VietinBank will bring a better payment experience to both companies’ customers. With a modern technology platform, VietinBank's electronic payment gateway will be integrated with the payment process of eiindustrial.com, making the payment quick, safe, and smooth. VietinBank is also a guarantor to help customers who are manufacturing enterprises gain more advantages in terms of payment including debt and limits. We believe that the comprehensive cooperation will help our customers get the best and special benefits,” said Ho Phi An, founder and CEO of EI Industrial.

Impressed by the strong development scale of eiindustrial.com in recent years, a representative of Vietinbank said, “We expect both parties to promote and exploit maximum potential, position, and competitiveness. From our side, we are committed to bringing the best services and privileges to EI Industrial's customers”.

In the upcoming time, eiindustrial.com and VietinBank will investigate and map out a specific cooperation roadmap for each stage, as well as ensure providing timely proposals for each stage of cooperation.

Customers are the beneficiaries of this cooperation, especially those who have never had access to banking services.

By Hai Dang

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