Boeing faces $3.9 million penalty for detective parts in 737 NG crafts

December 16, 2019 | 09:14
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Boeing may be hit with a $3.9 million fine for purposefully installing erroneous components on hundreds of planes.
boeing faces 39 million penalty for detective parts in 737 ng crafts
FAA seeks to fine Boeing

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has just revealed intentions of sanctioning the US-based aircraft manufacturer for $3.9 million. Accordingly, Boeing was accused for not halting the assembly of 130 Boeing 737 planes.

The authority also stated that Boeing did not fully supervise its suppliers to ensure compliance with quality standards. In addition, Boeing submitted its application to license the operation of the aircraft to the FAA while knowing full well the planes failed durability tests before.

In the latest statement, Boeing did not accept legal responsibility for the problem,though it was said to be aware of the FAA’s concerns. “We are working closely with our customers to take the appropriate corrective actions,” said spokesman Charles Bickers.

The aircraft manufacturer has 30 days to respond by either paying the fine or lodging an appeal. According to Reuters, the company will review the fine.

In June, the FAA unveiled that 300 Boeing 737 NG and 737 MAX crafts could contain improperly manufactured parts and required them to be quickly replaced.

The two crashed Boeing 737 MAX airplanes, as well as the global ban on these planes, may lead to the company losing $600 billion worth of orders for more than 5,000 planes across the world. 157 people died in February’s Ethiopian Airlines crash, just a few months after 189 died in an Indonesian Lion Air crash in last October.

By Van Anh

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