"It’s not too early to prepare for 6G"

"It’s not too early to prepare for 6G"

it’s not too early to begin addressing the technological, regulatory, geographical, and educational challenges that will be required to make ubiquitous 6G a reality, says Ron Nersesian, president and CEO at Keysight Technologies.
Developing apps for social networks golden opportunity for programmers

Developing apps for social networks golden opportunity for programmers

With 12 million people using social networks, or 60 per cent of internet users in Vietnam, developing apps on social networks has become a good job.
Social networks more utilised by businesses for marketing

Social networks more utilised by businesses for marketing

Businesses all say they tend to allocate bigger budgets for online marketing tools. Social networks have become a favorite channel for businesses to do marketing and introduce their products for the last year.
Tech therapy for smartphone-stressed operators

Tech therapy for smartphone-stressed operators

It is not an easy time for mobile operators -- smartphones have touched off a data traffic explosion without revenues to match, but a little tech-therapy is at hand.