dutch and vietnamese businesses sign cooperation agreements for mekong delta

Dutch and Vietnamese businesses sign cooperation agreements for Mekong Delta

Vietnamese and Dutch businesses signed 18 cooperation agreements at the third Vietnam-Netherlands Mekong Delta Business Forum on March 21 in Ho Chi Minh City.
mekong delta economic cooperation forum 2012 opens

Mekong Delta Economic Cooperation Forum 2012 opens

The Mekong Delta Economic Cooperation (MDEC) Forum – MDEC Tien Giang 2012 opened in the southern province of Tien Giang on Dec. 5 on the theme “Towards a quality and sustainable agriculture.”
second mekong rok business forum opens in hanoi

Second Mekong-RoK business forum opens in Hanoi

More than 200 officials and representatives of enterprises from Mekong subregional countries and the Republic of Korea (RoK) are attending the Mekong-RoK Business Forum in Hanoi on May 29-30. 
mekong delta resilient business network officially debuts

Mekong Delta Resilient Business Network officially debuts

The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) chapter in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho and The Asia Foundation have organised the official debut ceremony for the Mekong Delta Resilient Business Network (MRBN) on May 6.
netherlands and vietnam promotes sustainable business for mekong delta

Netherlands and Vietnam promotes sustainable business for Mekong Delta

The Netherlands-Vietnam Sustainable Business Event – the concluding networking event of the Mekong Delta Mission (from December 1 to 4, 2020) was held on January 25 in Ho Chi Minh City to celebrate the bilateral collaboration and partnership between the two countries in agriculture, water, and circular economy.
edible nest swiftlet business booms and blares in mekong delta

Edible-nest swiftlet business booms and blares in Mekong Delta

The blooming lucrative business of raising edible-nest swiftlets has led Mekong Delta families to race to turn their own homes into potential birdhouses a process in which they play an all-day siren call to attract the birds.  
action programme of vietnam netherlands business platform for mekong delta signed

Action programme of Vietnam, Netherlands Business Platform for Mekong Delta signed

Director of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI)'s Branch in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho Nguyen Phuong Lam and Netherlands Ambassador Elsbeth Akkerman have signed an Action Programme of the Vietnam-Netherlands Business Platform for the Mekong River Delta.
mekong delta development with reference from the dutch delta

Mekong Delta development with reference from the Dutch delta

The Mekong Delta in Vietnam and the Netherlands face similar issues. Today, the agriculture that allowed for prosperous economies and population growth has become vulnerable. The deltas face many pressing challenges such as climate change, salt intrusion, land subsidence, and clean water shortage that affect not only the regional economy but also the livelihoods of the people.
mekong delta becomes investment magnet

Mekong Delta becomes investment magnet

The Mekong Delta has recently attracted many large projects worth trillions to tens of trillions of VND, which are promoting economic development there.
two new expressways to be built in mekong delta

Two new expressways to be built in Mekong Delta

The Ministry of Transport has directed the Cuu Long Corporation for Investment Development and Project Management of Infrastructure (CIPM) to conduct a pre-feasibility study for two expressway projects in the Mekong Delta.
mekong delta enterprises upbeat

Mekong Delta enterprises upbeat

Most enterprises in the Cuu Long (Mekong) Delta are optimistic about their business prospects in the second half of the year, according to results of a survey issued at a seminar held yesterday in Can Tho.
mekong delta waits for floods

Mekong Delta waits for floods

The lives of thousands of farmers in the Mekong River Delta that depend on “rising-water” season are threatened by the possibility that the floods will not come this year.
mekong delta seeks investment

Mekong Delta seeks investment

Localities in the Cuu Long (Mekong) Delta region are encouraging foreign and domestic investors to pump investment into 74 projects.
authentic tet in mekong delta

Authentic Tet in Mekong Delta

Touring the Mekong Delta in the days leading up to Tet, from around the 20th day of the last month of the lunar calendar, or Monday, tourists will have a chance to experience the delta residents and craft villages that are kept busy wrapping and cooking banh tet (glutinous rice cake filled with green bean paste and fat pork) and the colorful scenes on floating markets and flower-growing villages.
huge upgrade for mekong delta ports

Huge upgrade for Mekong Delta ports

The Mekong Delta provinces will increase the combined capacity of their ports system from 15.7 million tonnes in 2010 to 28 million tonnes in 2020.