17-04-2018 22:08
After the launch of Vietnam’s first QR code store in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi is also planning to pilot similar stores in 2018, aiming to boost the development of e-commerce in the capital. However, with only five million Vietnamese people using QR codes to pay, it remains a question whether these new stores will become popular in Hanoi.
24-03-2018 12:10
State-of-the-art QR code payment methods and the mass adoption of smartphones are predicted to provide ample room for the development of mobile shopping in Vietnam.
11-01-2018 14:00
Mobile payments – and QR code payments in particular – are beginning to take hold in Vietnam, but a lack of common payment standards poses many challenges for mobile payment providers.
20-09-2016 10:10
Ho Chi Minh City-based MM Mega Market Vietnam (formerly Metro Cash & Carry Vietnam) has launched its QR code plastering application for product information coding to help the customers seek traceability of food products via their smartphones.