increased goods transport via the skies on the cards

Increased goods transport via the skies on the cards

Vietnam is working on a number of measures to reduce logistics costs and improve competitiveness amid increasingly international economic integration. Nguyen Tuong, deputy secretary general of the Vietnam Logistics Business Association, writes about how important freight development by air is to increase competitiveness for agricultural products.
hanoi ensures goods supply in all contingencies

Hanoi ensures goods supply in all contingencies

Tran Thi Phuong Lan, deputy director of Hanoi Department of Industry and Trade, confirmed the city has devised diverse scenarios to ensure Hanoi's distribution systems are fully stocked up on essential goods to meet people’s demand, even in case of a serious COVID-19 outbreak.
tiki in trouble for selling shoddy goods

Tiki in trouble for selling shoddy goods

Tiki, the most prestigious e-commerce platform in Vietnam, has gotten into trouble for selling low-quality goods and came under wide criticism for its poor customer service.
giaohangtietkiem admits to allow shippers throw around goods

Giaohangtietkiem admits to allow shippers throw around goods

Giaohangtietkiem (GHTK) officially admitted its fault in letting its shippers throw customers’ goods when classifying items during the Lunar New Year 2019 rush.
shop sites blasted over fake goods

Shop sites blasted over fake goods

Vietnam’s online economy is now enjoying a remarkable boom and is estimated to reach $33 billion by 2025. However, the intrusion of prohibited, fake, and poor-quality products mixed among the goods should ring alarm bells for sellers, consumers, and local authorities. Phuong Hao reports.
counterfeit goods growing into serious social issue

Counterfeit goods growing into serious social issue

Vietnamese consumers are besieged by counterfeit goods that are invading every area of life – from household items to electronics, clothes, and even health products – exerting a genuinely negative effect on consumers’ health and original manufacturers’ benefits.
unclear labelling of goods upsets buyers

Unclear labelling of goods upsets buyers

A number of convenience stores advertising their brands as “made in Korea” or “made in Japan” have been fined for ambiguous information on the origin of their goods, making many Vietnamese consumers feel confused and nervous.
erdogan says turkey to boycott us electronic goods

Erdogan says Turkey to boycott US electronic goods

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday (Aug 14) said Turkey would boycott US electronic goods like the iPhone in retaliation for punitive sanctions from Washington, as the Turkish lira finally clawed back some of the ground lost in its stand-off with Washington.
mof to increase taxes on imported goods

MOF to increase taxes on imported goods

The Ministry of Finance is planning to adjust taxes on some products to discourage their importation in order to curb inflation.
new regulations on processing goods for foreign merchants

New regulations on processing goods for foreign merchants

The Government’s Decree No. 69/2018/ND-CP stipulates that Vietnamese traders are allowed to process legal goods for foreign merchants, excluding the commodities banned or temporarily suspended from exports and imports.
mumuso is flogging goods made in china

Mumuso is flogging goods made in China

Mumuso's goods are designed by a South Korean company, but production is outsourced to China to reduce production costs to allow competitive pricing. Additionally, the company may be hit with a fine for not including Vietnamese-language labels and instruction manuals with many of its products.
vietnam keeps importing japanese farm goods

Vietnam keeps importing Japanese farm goods

Vietnam would continue to import farm products from Japan but would strengthen inspection on radiation safety, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development announced.
experiencing french food goods in vietnam

Experiencing French food, goods in Vietnam

The “Un Mois En France” (One Month in France) programme will take place in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City from November 1 to December 12.
vietnam rok cooperate on origin of goods

Vietnam, RoK cooperate on origin of goods

Vietnam and the Republic of Korea (RoK) will assist with administrative requirements and cooperate closely in granting and examining the origin of goods, helping to ease difficulties for businesses and promote trade.
government murky over goods price increases

Government murky over goods price increases

The banning of price rises for the ten essential goods and services the government selected to rein in inflation is expected to end in June, raising a question of what will happen afterwards.