samsung we have fulfilled all our promises to vietnam

Samsung: We have fulfilled all our promises to Vietnam

The amazing story of Samsung’s achievements in Vietnam exclusively highlights the significant role and remarkable contributions of Shim Won Hwan, president of Samsung Electronics Vietnam Complex. He shared with VIR’s Nguyen Duc the story of his 10-year journey to raise Samsung Vietnam to a world-leading position in the corporation’s global system.
three key factors to increasing vietnams labour productivity

Three key factors to increasing Vietnam's labour productivity

Increasing investment in training skilled employees, modernising technology and manufacturing lines, and improving the management capacity of CEOs are the three major factors to increasing labour productivity in Vietnam.
vietnam economy grows at best rate in a decade

Vietnam economy grows at best rate in a decade

Vietnam's economy saw its strongest first-quarter growth in a decade, data showed on Thursday (Mar 29), driven by a surge in electronics manufacturing and exports.
samsung fujitsu pick france for new ai research centres

Samsung, Fujitsu pick France for new AI research centres

South Korean giant Samsung said Wednesday it will set up its third-biggest research centre for artificial intelligence in France.
mobifone and samsung intensify 5g cooperation

MobiFone and Samsung intensify 5G cooperation

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and MobiFone Global signed an agreement to boost engineering and commercial cooperation on 4G and 5G networks in Vietnam today in Hanoi in front of about 100 ICT businesses from Korea and Vietnam.
vietnam to review long delayed projects

Vietnam to review long-delayed projects

The withdrawal of the $3.2-billion Vung Ro refinery and petrochemical complex shows that Vietnam needs to review large-scale projects and withdraw long-delayed projects, especially those of foreign direct investment (FDI).
grab and samsung sign mou to drive digital inclusion in southeast asia

Grab and Samsung sign MOU to drive digital inclusion in Southeast Asia

Grab and Samsung Electronics announced that they have signed a multi-year MoU to drive digital inclusion in Southeast Asia.
apple overtakes samsung in shrinking smartphone market survey

Apple overtakes Samsung in shrinking smartphone market: survey

Apple overtook Samsung in the fourth quarter as the largest smartphone producer in a declining global market for handsets, a research firm said Friday (Feb 2).
samsung a journey of initiative and innovation

Samsung: a journey of initiative and innovation

With huge investment capital and a significant impact on local socioeconomic development, Samsung Group has proved to be a giant in the Vietnamese market. Nguyen Duc reports.
samsungs vietnamese subsidiaries make 19 billion profit

Samsung’s Vietnamese subsidiaries make $19 billion profit

Samsung has earned $19 billion of profit for seven years of operations in Vietnam, of which Samsung Thai Nguyen contributed the highest profit among Samsung's subsidiaries over the world.
samsung elevates 29 vietnamese vendors to tier 1 supply chain

Samsung elevates 29 Vietnamese vendors to tier-1 supply chain

Samsung completed the consultation programme for 12 enterprises in 2017 and has achieved the target of 29 Vietnamese businesses becoming Tier-1 vendors by the end of the year.
samsung responds to baseless work safety allegations

Samsung responds to "baseless" work safety allegations

Swedish non-profit organisation IPEN came out with a report saying Samsung’s Vietnamese workers show a high rate of health issues, such as fatigue, dizziness, and miscarriages. In a statement responding to this report, Samsung’s representative said a sample size of 45 female workers from a grand total of 100,000 employees (4,000 of whom are currently pregnant) is insufficient and that IPEN’s allegations are baseless.
samsung urged to set example in business connectivity

Samsung urged to set example in business connectivity

Deputy PM Vuong Dinh Hue called upon Samsung to set an example of business connectivity among domestic enterprises and foreign investors.
samsung vietnam organises 2017 recruitment test

Samsung Vietnam organises 2017 recruitment test

Samsung Vietnam has held its Global Samsung Aptitude Test for applicants in the northern areas at the National Convention Centre in Hanoi to recruit high-skill candidates.
apples us 120m patent award from samsung upheld by top us court

Apple's US$120m patent award from Samsung upheld by top US court

WASHINGTON: The US Supreme Court on Monday upheld a US$120 million patent award Samsung was ordered to pay Apple in the latest ruling in a series of legal skirmishes between the top two smartphone manufacturers.