Viettel expands investment in Peru

February 08, 2011 | 12:03
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The army-run telecom group, Viettel, has won a tender bid for its fourth investment licence in Peru .
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Viettel overcame its competitors, Wynner Systems from Russia , Americatel from Chile , and Hits Telecom Holding Company from Brazil , to get the license to provide free Internet service for 4,025 schools in Peru in 10 years, much more than its partner’s request of at least 1,350 schools.

The group plans to invest 400 million USD in network infrastructure and telecom business in Peru , making the South American country Viettel’s fifth foreign market, besides Cambodia , Laos , Haiti and Mozambique .

After eight years of operation, Viettel has become the largest mobile service provider in Vietnam , and the first in the country to offer service in foreign countries.


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