Vietnam-Pakistan trade turnover forecast to rise 30 per cent

April 27, 2012 | 08:56
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The two-way trade turnover between Vietnam and Pakistan in the first quarter of 2012 hit a record high of $113.6 million, up by 85.6 per cent against the same period last year.

The Import-Export Department under the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) said exports were estimated at $38.6 million and imports at $75 million.

Tea topped the list of export items with 3,913 tonnes earning $6.6 million (17 per cent). With its annual tea consumption rising by 2 per cent, Pakistan will have to import over 235,000 tonnes by 2015. 

Tea was followed by coarse textile fibres ($6.3 million), seafood ($4.5 million), pepper ($4.4 million) and rubber ($1.06 million).

Economic experts forecast that by the end of 2012, the trade turnover between Vietnam and Pakistan would increase by 30 per cent compared to last year.


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