Vietnam Best Places To Work 2014 survey results released

March 05, 2015 | 14:53
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Anphabe, the biggest career network of management professionals in Vietnam and Nielsen- global market research firm today co-hosted an awards ceremony to honour top companies which have made it to the list of 100 Vietnam Best Places To Work 2014.

Accordingly, Unilever is voted as Vietnam Best Place To Work across industries in two consecutive years, 2013 and 2014.

Unilever is also the most attractive employer brand in terms of Growth Opportunity and Company Reputation.

For Total Rewards and Work & Life quality, Vinamilk is voted as the best employer. Employers who have the best performance in Culture & Values and Leadership are Intel and Microsoft, in respective order.

In addition, the ceremony honoured 24 Vietnam Best Places To Work 2014 by industries, such as Nike in Apparel/Footwear, HSBC in Banking/Finance, Prudential in Insurance, Holcim in Manufacturing, and Cargill in Agriculture/Food/Forestry.

Compared to 2013, more Vietnamese enterprises have appeared in the top 100 (20 firms compared to 14 ones last year).

In respect to carrier motivation trends, the survey presents main talent segments in Vietnam labour market, comprising of five typologies with different characteristics and personalities: Challenge explorer, Achievement hunter, Passion driver, Comfort lover, and Affiliation seeker.

The survey has recognised some differences in career objectives by gender and by job level, especially between the group of manager and non-manager.

“Our goal is not only to honour Vietnam 100 Best Places To Work but more importantly, our continually updated and specialised methodology to measure employer brand health will help enterprises to identify their strength and weakness more precisely. Base on this, they can easily adjust human resource strategies to improve their attractiveness in talents’ view,” said Thanh Nguyen – CEO of Anphabe.

Tran Minh Tuan- associate director, Business & Insight Consultant of Nielsen stated, “Being companion with Anphabe for the last two years, I’m highly confident with the quality as well as the value that the survey offers to employers.

“In terms of methodology, online survey would be credible when attracting around 1.000 respondents, while the survey this year attracted more than 15.000 respondents.

“This fact shows our survey receives active participation and positive feedback not only from employers but also from working professionals.”

Vietnam Best Places To Work is the first and most professional survey in Vietnam, specialised in measuring employer brand health of leading enterprises.

The survey this year was conducted online from October 2014 to January 2015 with larger scale comparing to that of last year (with 15,578 respondents coming from 24 industries nationwide).

Besides, this year survey has updated methodology of measuring employer brand internally (based on responses of internal employees) and externally (based on response of outside talents).

By Mai Thuy

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★ Poor ★ ★ Promising ★★★ Good ★★★★ Very good ★★★★★ Exceptional

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