Viettel helps connect Cambodia

April 15, 2012 | 13:16
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Military-run telecom giant Viettel said it has provided a data transmission line connecting the Trans-Eurasia Information Network (TEIN3), the pan Asian Research and Education Network and the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC).


The network, to which Cambodia is the latest connection, brought the number of Asian countries benefiting from the high speed network to 17, the telecom provider said.

The new link initially connects the ITC in Phnom Penh as well as potentially connecting Cambodia 's 35,000 researchers with scientists around the world.

The move will improve the quality and quantity of research conducted in Cambodia 's higher education institutes and research centres, Viettel said.

The development of Cambodia 's national research and education network (CamREN) will be boosted by its link to TEIN3, as it works to strengthen national and international research collaboration.

To achieve the connection, CamREN worked closely with VinaREN, the national research and education network organisation of neighbouring Vietnam . VinaREN helps arrange a dedicated link from its network in Hanoi to ITC and provides access to its existing TEIN3 connection.

The successful connection to TEIN3 was driven by the Network Startup Resource Centre (NSRC) based at the University of Oregon, which worked with CamREN technicians to provide the equipment and technical assistance at the ITC campus to complete the connection.


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